Bishop’s Letter: Gift of the Spirit

My Sisters and Brothers in Christ:

With the celebration of Pentecost Sunday, we come to the end of the season of Easter. Originally a Jewish pilgrimage festival, Pentecost (the Feast of Weeks (Shavuot)) comes seven weeks after the cutting of …

Blessings x2

Twins = mother’s and family’s unexpected blessings


ORLANDO | Desperately eager to learn if she was pregnant or not, 22-year-old Ediana Valdez didn’t wait to get home to take her pregnancy test. Instead, she ran to the store bathroom.…

FIT students visit Sister Diocese in the DR

DOMINICAN REPUBLIC | Students, staff and an alumnus from the Florida Institute of Technology in Melbourne traveled to the Dominican Republic to go on mission during Holy Week. From working on the aqueduct in the town of La Cucarita to …

Incardination marks two blessings in one

ORLANDO  |  It was a double header for Father Carlos Cabán, becoming a newly incardinated priest to the Diocese of Orlando followed by his installation as pastor of St. John Vianney Parish in Orlando. The successive events occurred Sept. 10,

Mission students look toward bright future

ORLANDO  |  Catholics across central Florida are happy to welcome four new students from the sister diocese in the Dominican Republic. They will study at Bishop Moore High School in Orlando and Father Lopez High School in Daytona Beach. Their …

El Camino offers something for everyone

ORLANDO  |  Three women from Orlando journey El Camino de Santiago de Compostela, each for different reasons. Rose Alagano hoped to honor her deceased brother who was supposed to make the journey with her. Jennifer Powers jumped at the chance