ORLANDO | Pope Francis inaugurated the Jubilee Year of Hope on Christmas Eve in Vatican City. Four days later, Bishop John Noonan officially inaugurated its start in the Diocese of Orlando with a procession symbolizing the pilgrimage of the people. …
Bishop’s Letter: Connect with each other in the name of Christ
My sisters and brothers,
By knowing all is God’s, all is sacred. Jesus lifted up everything in offering to the Father, as He asks us to do. Remember everything we have is given to us by God and we are …
Bishop Letter: Imagine the earth imbued with God’s love for one another
My Sisters and Brothers in Christ:
About six weeks ago we heard Peter deny his love for Jesus three times. It was a moment of great distress as Peter, beloved and forthright, let fear overcome him and denied his friend, …
From Non-Denominational to Catholic: One family’s faith journey
OVIEDO | The Chapman family had been anticipating the Easter Vigil for months.
Gathered around the Easter fire, Caleb, Ashley and Chase Chapman joined 13 other elect at Most Precious Blood Parish in Oviedo. Soon they would receive their Sacraments …
Walking in faith
ORLANDO | Her family was running late for services on Easter Sunday. Arriving at the chapel on Lackland Air Force base in San Antonio, Texas, Madison Lincoln saw the word “Mass.”
“What’s Mass?” the 13-year-old asked herself. She walked in …
Bishop’s Letter: Become builders of the City of Love
My Sisters and Brothers in Christ:
Be faithful to God’s Covenant in all that you are. God cherishes you, and I know you also cherish God’s Covenant. Upholding all in prayer keeps us close to God’s Covenant. Prayer allows us …