Bishop’s Letter: We become His Beloved

Comfort is something for which we all long. That word, comfort, can mean different things to different people in our secular world. For some, comfort is a soft-cushioned couch on which to sit and watch television. For others, comfort might

Bishop’s Letter: Don’t separate yourselves from God

Listen, My Beloved Brothers and Sisters.

St. James speaks to us of the sins of partiality. I choose a different word for partiality, segregation. The sins of partiality segregate or separate us from one another and in so doing, separate …

Bishop Letter: Are we with God?

My Sisters and Brothers in Christ:

In this beautiful Scripture citation from the Book of Joshua, Joshua leads a conversation with the people and asks them if they wish to serve God, or some other god or person. He tells …

Bishop’s Letter: Love is a noun and a verb

My Sisters and Brothers in Christ:

The Acts of the Apostles describe the life of the disciples after Jesus died and is resurrected. As they become one community of faith, they also share confusion and discouragement. They question what happened …

Bishop’s Letter: Become builders of the City of Love

My Sisters and Brothers in Christ:

Be faithful to God’s Covenant in all that you are. God cherishes you, and I know you also cherish God’s Covenant. Upholding all in prayer keeps us close to God’s Covenant. Prayer allows us …