Chrism Mass – April 17, 2019

This evening I congratulate our Jubilarians who celebrate 50 years and 25 years of priestly life in service to the Lord and His people. As we celebrate your jubilee years of Ordination, we recall the Scripture from Isaiah 61:1, “The …

#10: The 50th Anniversary of the Florida Catholic Conference (FCC) with Michael Sheedy

“One of the things we like to do is provide opportunities for Catholics to live out their call to faithful citizenship, to be responsible Catholic Christians in the public square.” – Michael Sheedy, Executive Director

#52: 5 Books to Get You Through Lent

Rachel and Jason discuss 5 books that have helped them in their spiritual lives. The books are:
1. Benedictus, Ignatius Press
2. Searching for and Maintaining Peace, Fr. Jacques Philippe
3. The Discernment of Spirits, Fr. Timothy M. Gallagher, OMV…

#27: A Pilgrimage Under The Stars with Aly Aleigha

Folk-Americana & Catholic Artist Aly Aleigha, dives deep into authenticity and the beauty that comes from boldly sharing the faith with the world. Check out the episode to learn how to win a pilgrimage to Israel with Aly, Fr. Mike …

#21: The Four Horsemen of Relationships

Lisa and Regina share signs and tips on how to better your relationships and marriages. The Four Horsemen of Relationship is use in a metaphor to describe communication styles that can affect a relationship negatively: Criticism, Contempt, Defensiveness and Stonewalling.…