CCW looks to the future by embracing the present

MELBOURNE | The Diocese of Orlando Council of Catholic Women is known for shaping Catholic women through its development of spiritual, leadership and service opportunities. As many in the organization approach their golden years, ODCCW President Ginny Hagen, says members …

#28: Children of God

My Sisters and Brothers in Christ:
St. John reminds us that we are beloved. He tells us of the Father’s indelible love He offers us through His Son who came to live among us that we may be called His …

Chrism Mass – March 31, 2021

I remember seeing the cover of Time Magazine with these words, “Is God Dead.” I had no idea what it meant, nor did I know who Friedrich Nietzsche was. But it left me asking why was this on the cover …

#26: Roll Back the Stone

Last year on Good Friday, our Holy Father greeted us in the darkness of the night. It was a profound encounter with Him as he stood alone – isolated – on the street, a solitary figure and then after prayer, …

#25: The Lord Looks into the Heart

“Don’t pick at that scab,” said my mother. She said this to keep the wound which the scab covered protected and sterile from the outside world. The scab helped the physical wound to heal. Sometimes, when we are not reconciled …

#37: Theology of the Body with Christopher West

Christopher West, President of Theology of the Body Institute in Lima, Pennsylvania, joins Lisa on Those Catholic Shrinks Podcast this week! Christopher, Lisa, and her husband Andy compare the way modern culture views the human person with how it’s explained …

#24: Here I am Lord

My Sisters and Brothers in Christ,
God asks Adam and Eve, “Where are you?” Now, we also hear Him asking Abraham, where are you? The response of Adam and Eve was cloaked in difficulty because their eyes were closed to …