Our Mission

Catholic schools in the Diocese of Orlando proclaim the Gospel message within an academic environment of excellence that challenges students to be creative and critical thinkers who integrate faith, moral leadership and compassionate service in order to create a more just and humane world. At the Diocese of Orlando, the Catholic School Advantage is rooted in high academic achievement and a community of faith that brings together students and their families, faculty and the Church. Together we are preparing our young people to live in a global world by sharing Gospel values and living Christ’s message of salvation.

Catholic School Advantage

At the Diocese of Orlando, the Catholic School Advantage is rooted in high academic achievement and a community of faith that brings together students and their families, faculty and the Church. Together we are preparing our young people to live in a global world by sharing Gospel values and living Christ’s message of salvation.

Excellence in Academic Achievement

A Catholic education is a challenging education. High standards, effective discipline and a caring atmosphere combine to help each child grow to his or her fullest potential.

  • Catholic school students score significantly above national and state averages on standardized tests.
  • 98% of our seniors attend college and earn more than $41 million in scholarships.
  • Catholic schools give students a high level of individualized attention. This commitment is reinforced with programs for advanced students and also those requiring tutoring.
Centers of Evangelization

Catholic schools allow faculty and students to witness and model Christian life and behaviors. Children are given the opportunity to share our faith and Christian ideals on a daily basis.

  • Because spirituality and character development are infused into the daily curriculum, Catholic students have a deep understanding of their faith and their responsibilities as Christians.
  • 85% of the 5th grade students who take the ACRE (Assessment of Catechesis Religious Education) score in the advanced or proficient level. 88% of the 8th graders and 67% of the 11th graders score in the advanced or proficient level.
  • Catholic schools are the best means the Church has to pass on our faith to our young people.
Family & Community of Faith

Catholic schools recognize parents and family as primary educators and join with them to form a living community of a shared vision.

  • Catholic schools help students understand that each person is unique and valuable.
  • Catholic schools encourage family input and involvement in the ongoing education of their children.
  • Catholic schools strive to create a special bond among students, families, the school and the Church, so that all share a strong sense of community.
  • Families develop special bonds and support each other.
Service & Extra-Curricular Opportunities

Catholic schools are committed to the development of the whole person in mind, body and spirit. We offer a variety of service, extracurricular, honorary, and athletic opportunities to reflect the uniqueness of each student, to generate a healthy sense of competition, to create a spirit of cooperation and to foster leadership and creativity.

  • Catholic schools have a long tradition of developing character and understanding through service.
  • Creativity is sparked within our varied arts programs, which include classes and extracurricular activities in drama, music, band, art, and more.
  • Middle and high school students participate in competitive athletics, while younger boys and girls have the opportunity to hone their athletic skills through intramural competitions. Athletic opportunities include: football, soccer, polo, tack, basketball, volleyball, cheerleading, dance and more.
  • Other programs include student councils, honor societies, service organizations and social clubs
Maintaining High Standards

Catholic schools engage in an ongoing process of evaluation, certification and accreditation of both teachers and programs.

  • All Catholic school teachers are certified through the Florida Department of Education (FDOE).
  • Catholic schools in the Diocese of Orlando are accredited by Florida Catholic Conference and meet or exceed all State of Florida Department of Education standards.
  • To further promote our Catholic schools’ mission, all schools are evaluated using the National Standards and Benchmarks for Effective Catholic Elementary and Secondary Schools, outlined by the National Catholic Education Association.
Investing in Our Future

Catholic school tuition is an investment that pays a lifelong dividend.

  • Tuition is often supplemented by the sponsoring parish or parishes, so the Catholic community shares the cost of education.
  • In addition to a strong program in the “basics,” as well as challenging programs for advanced students, Catholic schools add the significant “plus” of religious, moral and spiritual development.
  • Outcomes such as high standardized test scores and a college acceptance rates confirm that our students are self-disciplined, self-motivated and responsible.

Catholic Schools


Diocesan School Board

Early Learning Centers

International Student Enrollment


Special Education

Contact Us

Dr. Erika Wikstrom
Secretary for Education and Superintendent of Catholic Schools
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Patricia Dailey
Associate Superintendent
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Stephen Dole
Associate Superintendent for Professional Development
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Shelley Bosko
Director of Accreditation, Early Childhood and Special Programs
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Margie Garland Aguilar
Instructional Technology Director
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Jacqueline Abrahams
School Finance/Government Programs Director
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Linda Caldwell
Marketing Director, Central Region and Volusia County
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Evelyn Garcia
Administrative Assistant
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Sylvia Pabon-Castro
Administrative Assistant to the Superintendent
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Phyllis Mann
Certification Coordinator
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