Ministries to the Sick and Homebound

What is the Lay Ministry to the Sick and Homebound?

Lay Ministry to the Sick and Homebound is a way for the Church to bring Christ’s love, presence, and comfort to those who are unable to attend Mass due to illness, aging, or other challenges. Through this ministry, trained lay ministers visit the sick, offering prayer, companionship, and the Eucharist, helping them stay connected to their faith and parish community.

The Church teaches that Jesus continues his healing work through the sacraments, just as he healed the sick during his ministry on earth. When we care for the sick, we serve Christ himself in those who are suffering. Ministers to the Sick and Homebound offer spiritual support, listen with compassion, and bring the peace of Christ to those in need. Their presence reminds the sick and homebound that they are never alone and always a part of the Church family.

In what settings do Ministers to the Sick serve?

Lay Ministry to the Sick and Homebound takes place in various settings to bring Christ’s presence to those unable to attend Mass. Ministers visit private homes, hospitals, nursing homes, hospice care, and rehabilitation centers, offering prayer, companionship, and the Eucharist. They provide comfort to the sick, elderly, and those in recovery, ensuring they remain spiritually connected to the Church.They offer additional support to patients and families, sometimes assisting in connecting them with a priest for the Sacraments of Penance and of the Anointing of the Sick. No matter the location, this ministry serves as a vital expression of Christ’s love and healing.

Becoming a Minister to the Sick and Homebound

Those interested in participating in this ministry should begin by contacting their parish. A candidate for the Ministry to the Sick and Homebound must:

  • Be a fully initiated Catholic, 18 years of age or older.
  • Be an active member of in the life of their parish community.
  • Have no impediment to receiving Holy Communion and participating in the sacramental life of the Church.
  • Be fingerprinted and in full compliance with diocesan Safe Environment Policy and Procedures.
  • If driving on behalf of the parish, they must be a verified driver that complies with the requirements of the diocesan Driver’s License Verification Policy.
  • Be approved and nominated by their pastor for this ministry.

Candidates for this ministry will follow the necessary steps as outlined to them by their parish and diocesan norms to receive a mandate with the bishop’s permission to participate as extraordinary ministers and bring Holy Communion to the Sick and Homebound. In the Diocese of Orlando, this extraordinary ministry is mandated separately from the Extraordinary Minister of Holy Communion (EMHC) and it is not a requirement to first be mandated as an EMHC before being mandated as a Minister to the Sick and Homebound. It is highly encouraged that MTS seek to be mandated as EMHC to support the liturgical life of their parishes. For more information on the training and mandating of EMHCs, please contact the diocesan Office of Worship.

The Office of Pastoral Ministry and Family Life ensures consistent and thorough formation for pastoral care ministries. To maintain standardized training, the office oversees the formation process, with approved facilitators conducting periodic six-hour workshops (typically on Saturdays) throughout the diocese. These workshops equip participants with practical skills while deepening their understanding of the spiritual significance of pastoral care.


Registering for the six-hour MTS workshop guarantees participation in the training but does not automatically grant a mandate from the bishop. To receive a mandate, a petition signed by the pastor affirming the candidate’s suitability must be submitted to the Office of Pastoral Ministry before or immediately after the workshop to ensure timely processing.

Ministers to the Sick and Homebound should be commissioned alongside Extraordinary Ministers of Holy Communion at their parishes using the same rite from the Book of Blessings, available through the diocesan Office of Worship.

MTS Mandates, Renewals, and Ongoing Formation

Mandates for Ministry to the Sick and Homebound, which are issued by the bishop, hold a validity period of five (5) years, expiring in December of the fifth year from the date of issuance. The mandate must be retained at the parish, and the minister is only permitted to commence service after the parish receives notification of approval from our office.

To renew their mandates, ministers are expected to engage in a minimum of 3 hours of approved continuing formation and spiritual enrichment annually, accumulating at least 15 hours over a 5-year mandate period. Ministers are responsible for keeping track of their continuing formation hours and should submit this information to the pastor or their delegate for approval.

Approximately three months before the mandate’s expiration, the pastor or their delegate should submit a renewal request via the Renewal Form to the Office of Pastoral Ministry and Family Life. This request should include a list with the names of ministers seeking renewal. Once the bishop grants approval, a letter containing the renewed mandate will be sent back to the parish for proper record-keeping.

Parish Resources for Ministry to the Sick

This section is designed for parish MTS coordinators and staff directly involved in pastoral care ministries. The resources below are password-protected and require approval from the Office of Pastoral Ministry and Family Life for access. Only registered parish coordinators and staff will be granted permission.

Available Resources:

  • Diocesan Norms and Policies
  • MTS Petition and Renewal Forms
  • Additional Pastoral Care Resources

Ministry to the Sick and Homebound Training Workshops

The Ministry to the Sick and Homebound Training Workshop is a specialized program designed to equip individuals with the knowledge, skills, and spiritual foundation necessary to serve those who are sick and homebound in hospitals, care facilities, and private homes.

Before registering for a workshop, please contact your parish and begin the discernment process.

February 15, 2025Basilica of St. Paul, DaytonaEnglish
March 1, 2025St. Anthony, LakelandEnglish
March 8, 2025Annunciation, Altamonte SpringsEnglish & Spanish
March 29, 2025Epiphany, Port OrangeEnglish
March 29, 2025Holy Name of Jesus, IndialanticEnglish