The first communion is the one which is established and which develops between husband and wife: by virtue of the covenant of married life, the man and woman “are no longer two but one flesh” and they are called to grow continually in their communion through day-to-day fidelity to their marriage promise of total mutual self-giving.”

Pope John Paul II, Familiaris Consortio, 19

Marriage enrichment provides couples with the necessary tools, resources, and accompaniment needed to nurture and sustain their lifelong covenant. The ongoing process of enrichment supports couples in fulfilling their vocation of marriage and family life. By investing in marriage enrichment, couples become better equipped to face the challenges of life with grace and resilience, thus embodying the sacramental grace bestowed upon them.

Letter to Married Couples from Pope Francis
English | Spanish

Worldwide Marriage Encounter (WWME)

Worldwide Marriage Encounter (WWME)

WWME programs have enriched and transformed the lives of married couples for generations.  They offer a peer-to-peer experience, typically over a weekend, where married couples can pause and reflect privately on the meaning of their vocations and are given the tools for nurturing their love.  Couples may contact Bob & Sheila Baker at 407-647-4289 to begin the application process and get further information.

Encuentro Matrimonial Mundial

Encuentro Matrimonial Mundial

Los programas de Encuentro Matrimonial Mundial han enriquecido y transformado la vida de parejas casadas por generaciones.  Ofrecen una experiencia de igual a igual, generalmente durante un fin de semana, donde las parejas casadas pueden hacer una pausa y reflexionar en privado sobre el significado de sus vocaciones y aprender herramientas para nutrir su amor.  Las parejas interesadas pueden contactar a Tomas & Mercedes Diaz al 407-219-1389 para obtener más información.

Renovación Conyugal

Renovación Conyugal

Renovación Conyugal es un programa de enriquecimiento matrimonial con orientación cristiana católica. Está creado para ayudar a las parejas a fortalecer su relación en el matrimonio y a la vez, está diseñado para ayudar a aquellas parejas con problemas, sea que exista una separación o un proceso de divorcio, sin importar su denominación religiosa o el que estén casados o no. A las parejas se les brinda herramientas que les ayuden a renovar o mejorar su relación a través del taller de Renovación. Para más información llame al 407-690-0700.

Diálogo Matrimonial

Diálogo Matrimonial

Diálogo Matrimonial es una experiencia de Fin de Semana que brinda a las parejas la oportunidad de celebrar su vida conyugal dándoles tiempo para compartir sus sentimientos, esperanzas, alegrías, frustraciones, tristezas y sueños en una atmósfera completamente privada y fuera del alcance de las tensiones y distracciones de la vida diaria. Luego del fin de semana invitamos a las parejas a integrarse a MDS o Grupos Matrimoniales De Seguimiento es sus parroquias más cercanas. Para más información contacte a Máximo y Florelia al 561-755-0471.

SmartLoving Marriage Kit

SmartLoving Marriage Kit

A convenient and hassle-free approach to relationship education for modern day couples. The online course allows you and your spouse to work through the program at your pace and at a time that fits your busy schedules. Divided into 5 lessons, this course discusses various topics including making marriage your mission, why sex matters, and the science of love.

Building a Eucharistic Marriage

Building a Eucharistic Marriage

The “Building a Eucharistic Marriage” course is a 7-part video series, built off a therapeutic model for change, which connects 7 areas for therapeutically strengthening our marriage with 7 areas of deepening our relationship with Christ through the Eucharist. There are options for couples who want to purchase an individual copy for home use or for parishes who would like to purchase a license for running the video series at their parish.

Joyful Ever After

Joyful Ever After

The mission of Joyful Ever After is to help couples flourish in holy marriages, build strong marriage communities, enrich parish life with the soul of the family. Join their EPIC Intimacy series that features 22 Catholic marriage experts from multiple disciplines who guide you through the four levels of marital intimacy and teach you how to make your marriage stronger than ever before. The sessions dive deep into real-life problems and practical solutions.

The Couple Checkup by Prepare/Enrich

The Couple Checkup by Prepare/Enrich

The Couple Checkup is an online assessment tool designed to identify the unique relationship strengths and growth areas of couples.  Couples receive a 15–20-page report on their relationship and can download a free Discussion Guide, designed to help them learn proven relationship skills.  The Couple Checkup will help couples discover their relationship strengths.  Strengths are what enable couples to enjoy and continue developing a healthy relationship. Research has shown this process improves relationships by stimulating honest dialogue, increasing understanding, and empowering couples.

The Marriage Course

The Marriage Course

The Marriage Course runs over seven sessions, and each session begins with sharing dinner as a couple, followed by a fun, insightful video covering topics that are relevant for every couple. This course can be done in the company of other couples or online as a couple.

For Parish Leaders

Below, you will discover various resources that align with the vision for parish-based marriage enrichment.  For personalized recommendations on how to begin Marriage Ministry and tailor a parish-based marriage enrichment initiative for the specific needs of your parish, contact the Office of Marriage and Family Ministry.



Make a way with Endure, a post-wedding marriage formation experience for couples. Accompany married couples as they strengthen their relationships through fostering practical skills, intentional community, and mystagogical reflection. Watch couples be renewed and set on a path of deeper understanding about how marriage perfects their love, with Endure.

Building a Eucharistic Marriage

Building a Eucharistic Marriage

The “Building a Eucharistic Marriage” course is a 7-part video series, built off a therapeutic model for change, which connects 7 areas for therapeutically strengthening our marriage with 7 areas of deepening our relationship with Christ through the Eucharist. There are options for couples who want to purchase an individual copy for home use or for parishes who would like to purchase a license for running the video series at their parish. The Parish License comes with a leaders’ guide, unlimited participant guides, as well as advertising options and participant discounts on their own copy of the program. Use the code USCCB4Marriage for a 20% discount on any of their products.



Beloved is comprised of two parts: The Mystery and Meaning of Marriage has 6 sessions and Living Marriage has 6 sessions. All 12 episodes can be used in Marriage Prep or for Marriage Enrichment.

Grace Marriage

Grace Marriage

In Grace Marriage couples will continually Assess, Engage, and Grow – so they’ll know where their marriage is and where to go next. It’s not a program, it’s an ongoing path and a plan toward healthy, Christ-centered marriages. Parishes have the option to implement this initiative in 6 sessions or 12 sessions.

Together in Holiness

Together in Holiness

Together in Holiness is a marriage enrichment initiative that inspires couples to grow together in holiness and empowers and equips parents to form their children in the Catholic faith.

Contact Us

Luis Nieves
Director of Pastoral Ministry and Family Life
Laity, Family & Life
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Javier Maldonado 
Administrative Assistant
Laity, Family & Life
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