Formation Cohorts
Formation Guidelines
Ministry formation provides the basic theological understanding, spiritual formation, and methodology necessary for those who are appointed by their pastors to hand on the faith to young people. Training of youth ministry coordinators and team members (servers, core team, etc.) is necessary to ensure that the faith is handed on in its integrity and in a manner that responds to the needs, cultures, and other special characteristics of those in their care.
In the diocese of Orlando our office provides ongoing formation, mentoring, and coaching for youth ministers. If you are interested in training in youth ministry click the link below to sign up to join our ministry cohorts.
1st Year in Ministry
This cohort is intended for anyone who has limited training in youth ministry.
1-5 Years in Ministry
This cohort is an intermediate group intended for youth ministers with some training to professionally evaluate and grow the capacity of the team at parish, deanery and diocesan levels.
5+ Years in Ministry
This cohort is an advanced group intended for the youth minister who has been serving on a parish level for multiple years. We will network and develop the mentorship skills to grow ministry across the diocese.
Contact Us
Christopher Rivera
Youth Ministry Director
Laity, Family & Life