The priest is a member of one of the three orders of ordained ministry in the Catholic Church (the others being diaconate and episcopacy). They are consecrated to preach the Gospel and shepherd the faithful, as well as to celebrate divine worship as true priests of the New Testament. (Lumen Gentium, no. 28).

Vicar for Priests

There are two Vicars for Priests in the Diocese of Orlando assisting the bishop by providing support to the priests in the Diocese of Orlando by:

  • Responding to matters concerning spiritual, physical, and psychological health of the priests of the Diocese.
  • Acting on behalf of the bishop concerning matters of priest personnel.
  • Sits as a member of, and provides staff support for, the Priest Placement Board in the work of recommending to the Bishop assignments of priests to parishes and other ministries in the Diocese.

Contact Us

Father Miguel González
Vicar for Priests

Father Richard Trout
Vicar for Priestly Life and Ministry

Visiting Priests

In the Diocese of Orlando, no cleric will be allowed to concelebrate, celebrate, and or exercise his priestly ministry without receiving faculties from the Diocesan Ordinary, Bishop John Noonan. Any individual cleric who wishes to minister in the Diocese of Orlando, regardless of length of stay, assignment, or country of origin is asked to provide any request through his bishop or religious superior to Bishop John Noonan. A letter of faculties from Bishop John Noonan or his designee must be on file before a cleric will be allowed to celebrate Mass or exercise his priestly ministry in the Diocese of Orlando.

Contact Us

Sister Maria Acosta, SCTJM
Executive Assistant to the Bishop
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Priest Ordination



Journey to the Priesthood Reflection

Official Appointments

Priest Necrology

Senior Priests