Periodic continence, that is, the methods of birth regulation based on self-observation and the use of infertile periods, is in conformity with the objective criteria of morality. These methods respect the bodies of the spouses, encourage tenderness between them, and favor the education of an authentic freedom.”
CCC 2370
What is Natural Family Planning?

Natural Family Planning (NFP), also known as Fertility Awareness, is the general title for the scientific and natural methods of family planning that can help married couples achieve or postpone pregnancies. Fertility Awareness also helps women identify unusual patterns in their cycle through charting, which can then be shared with specialized doctors to aid in diagnosing reproductive issues.
When a couple learns to use NFP, they are taught to observe their naturally occurring signs and symptoms of fertility on a day-to-day basis, treating each menstrual cycle as unique—unlike the rhythm (or calendar) method which was based on the theory that ovulation could be determined from previous menstrual cycles. NFP is not the rhythm method.
NFP is up to 99% successful when a couple understands the chosen method and is motivated to follow it as instructed by a certified instructor.
It is important to note that while couples do not need to seek to have a child in every act of intercourse, every act of intercourse must remain open to life and God’s divine plan for their family.
Why Choose NFP?
NFP is good for your marriage
It encourages communication between spouses. During times of periodic sexual abstinence, husband and wife discover non-sexual ways of intimacy to express their love for each other.
NFP is good for reproductive health
Fertility Awareness does not have any negative effects on the male or female reproductive functioning. The natural methods have none of the harmful side effects caused by contraception, especially chemical contraceptives (e.g., pill, injection, etc.). NFP can also help identify underlying issues that may be causing infertility.
NFP is good for our common home
NFP is environmentally friendly, organic, natural, pure, and safe. No chemicals or artificial ingredients are involved in Fertility Awareness.
Fertility Awareness Methods
Natural Family Planning encompasses a variety of methods that allow individuals to monitor and understand their fertility signals to postpone or achieve pregnancy.
Basal Body Temperature (BBT) Method
- Requires daily measurement of basal body temperature (BBT) using a special thermometer.
- Identifies ovulation by a slight increase in BBT after ovulation.
Cervical Mucus Method
- Observes changes in cervical mucus throughout the menstrual cycle.
- Fertile days are identified by the presence of clear, stretchy, egg-white-like mucus.
Hormonal Method
- Monitors hormone levels that can predict fertility using at-home urine tests or Ovulation Predictor Kits.
- Fertile days are identified by a positive result on the OPK or a rise in estrogen levels detected by the fertility monitor.
Lactational Amenorrhea Method
- Utilized by breastfeeding women.
- Relies on the natural postpartum infertility that occurs when a woman is exclusively breastfeeding.
Local NFP Providers and Instructors
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Online NFP Courses
Natural Procreative Technology (NaPro)
Natural Procreative Technology (NaProTechnology or NaPro) is a holistic, medical approach to women’s reproductive health that aligns with the natural menstrual cycle to diagnose and treat various gynecological issues. Developed by Dr. Thomas Hilgers, NaProTechnology is grounded in the principles of the Creighton Model FertilityCare System, a standardized method of observing and charting biological markers related to fertility. NaProTechnology aims to identify and treat the underlying causes of reproductive issues through natural means with the goal of restoring women’s reproductive health and regulating fertility.
This scientific approach has been successful in treating an array of reproductive issues, such as:
- Infertility
- Endometriosis
- Menstrual pain
- Ovarian cysts
- Polycystic ovarian syndrome
- Repetitive miscarriage
- Postpartum depression
- Hormonal abnormalities
- Bleeding disorders
- Chronic discharges
- Premenstrual syndrome
- Premature birth
Church Documents & Teachings
Humanae Vitae
Humanae Vitae
This encyclical by Pope Paul VI is one of the most significant documents on the Church’s teaching about contraception and the regulation of birth. It reaffirms the Church’s opposition to artificial contraception and promotes NFP as a morally acceptable way for married couples to regulate births.
Familiaris Consortio
Familiaris Consortio
This apostolic exhortation by Pope John Paul II discusses the role of the Christian family in the modern world. It includes sections on responsible parenthood and the use of NFP.
Catechism of the Catholic Church
Catechism of the Catholic Church
Sections 2366-2372 discuss the Church’s teaching on the transmission of life, conjugal love, responsible parenthood, and the moral evaluation of different methods of family planning.
Theology of the Body
Theology of the Body
A series of lectures given by Pope John Paul II that delve into the nature of human sexuality, marriage, and family. It provides a theological and philosophical foundation for the Church’s teachings on NFP.
Donum Vitae
Donum Vitae
This document by the Congregation for the Doctrine of the Faith addresses issues related to the beginning of human life and reproductive technologies, reaffirming the value of NFP.
Evangelium Vitae
Evangelium Vitae
This encyclical by Pope John Paul II discusses the value and inviolability of human life, with references to responsible parenthood and NFP.
Gaudium et Spes
Gaudium et Spes
The Pastoral Constitution on the Church in the Modern World from the Second Vatican Council, which includes teachings on marriage and family, responsible parenthood, and openness to life.
Vademecum for Confessors Concerning Some Aspects of the Morality of Conjugal Life
Vademecum for Confessors Concerning Some Aspects of the Morality of Conjugal Life
This document provides guidelines for confessors on issues related to conjugal life, including the use of NFP.
USCCB Church Teaching About NFP
Additional Resources
- My Parish NFP
My Parish NFP provides education, support, and resources on Natural Family Planning through classes, workshops, and spiritual guidance to help couples practice NFP in accordance with Catholic teachings. - Fertility Science Institute
An organization dedicated to providing education, resources, and support for Natural Family Planning (NFP) by integrating the latest scientific research with practical applications to help individuals and couples understand and manage their fertility in line with Catholic teachings. - FACTS about fertility
An organization dedicated to educating healthcare professionals and the public about evidence-based fertility awareness-based methods (FABMs) for family planning and reproductive health. -
A telehealth service that integrates Catholic values into medical care, including support for Natural Family Planning (NFP). The platform connects patients with healthcare professionals who are knowledgeable in NFP and can provide guidance, education, and medical support for various fertility awareness-based methods, ensuring that care aligns with Catholic teachings on family planning and reproductive health. - Pearl and Thistle
An organization that offers education and support for women and couples on fertility awareness, Natural Family Planning (NFP), and holistic reproductive health. They provide resources, workshops, and personalized guidance to help individuals understand and manage their fertility in a way that aligns with their personal values and health goals. - Catholic Medical Association
This organization is the largest association of Catholic individuals in health care. They help our members to grow in faith, maintain ethical integrity, and provide excellent health care in accordance with the teachings of the Church. - The National Catholic Bioethics Center
The NCBN provides education, guidance, and resources to the Church and society to uphold the dignity of the human person in health care and biomedical research, thereby sharing in the ministry of Jesus Christ and his Church. - USCCB NFP Page
- Diocesan NFP Brochure: English | Spanish
- Quick Comparison Chart
Contact Us
Luis Nieves
Director of Pastoral Ministry and Family Life
Laity, Family & Life
Javier Maldonado
Administrative Assistant
Laity, Family & Life