What are the Scrutinies?

Mar 20, 2025

ORLANDO  |  As we continue our journey of accompaniment with the Elect, we note they have entered the Period of Purification and Enlightenment. Up until now, you may have noticed they are dismissed after the readings and homily.

On the third Sunday of Lent, March 23, they celebrate the First Scrutiny. There will be a total of three Scrutinies dating back to the early Church. Think of them as a time for a deep Examination of Conscience, “a more intense period of examination and preparation for the Elect, and hopefully for those of us already living the Catholic faith,” as explained on the St. Margaret Mary Parish, Winter Park website. “Though they are meant for the OCIA Elect, the Scrutinies can help all Catholics seeking to live a life of continuous conversion.”

Bruce Croteau, Director of Worship at the diocese further clarifies, “As moments of grace, the Scrutinies uncover the mystery of sin in our world, and perhaps more importantly, God’s power to heal us. They affirn understanding of the nature of sin and its presence in our world, community and individual life and the power of Christ’s sacrifice on the cross in freeing us from that sin.”

The Scrutinies involve three Gospel readings over three Sundays, to help the Elect reflect on their past: Jesus encountering the Samaritan woman at the well – where He offers Himself as the Living Water, Jesus healing the man born blind – where He gives Himself as Light of the World, and Jesus raising Lazarus from the dead – where He reveals Himself as the Resurrection and the Life.

The first Scrutiny focuses on conversion and the new life that begins at the reception of the Sacraments. Just as God knew the heart and sins of the woman at the well, He scrutinizes the hearts of the Elect and offers them healing and new life.

During this rite, the Elect kneel before the celebrant who prays over them a prayer of exorcism for cleansing and protection. The prayer asks that, like the woman of Samaria, the Elect may draw living water, and “acknowledge the hindrance of their own sins and weaknesses … that “they may be cleansed inwardly and advance on the way to salvation.”

After laying his hands on them, he continues, “…In your love free them from their infirmities, heal their sickness, quench their thirst, and give them peace.”

Catechumens are required to participate in all three Scrutinies, which are central to their spiritual preparation for initiation. They are only for the Elect, those not yet baptized.

By Glenda Meekins of the Florida Catholic staff, March 20, 2025