NEW SMYRNA BEACH | Sacred Heart Catholic School in New Smyrna Beach is known for its commitment to help the poor and bring dignity to the quality of life of those who are homeless or threatened by homelessness in their local community.

Fourth grade teacher Barbara Panagis and religion teacher Maria Bilodeau, spearheaded the “Water Only Mondays” Lenten sacrifice to raise money from each class, PreK thru 8, and purchase hygiene products for the Blessing Bags the school will put together during Lent.
Each Monday during Lent, students will put $0.25 in a box they decorated and brought home if they consumed any liquid other than water. On the last Monday of Lent, each class will count their money and use it to buy towels, toilet paper, soap, toothpaste and toothbrushes, shampoo, deodorant, socks, and underwear for a school-wide packing event.
All blessing bags will be distributed at the Community Hot Meals Program in New Smyrna Beach, where Sacred Heart Parish is one of the member churches cooking and providing meals to our less fortunate brothers and sisters.
Last year, “Water Only Mondays” project sent care packages to our troops based in Hawaii where one of our student’s, Tyler M’s father is a naval officer. When interviewed, Tyler said he is thankful “that our school is thinking of our service men and women.”
Principal Beth Labreche is convinced, “What is good about this project is that it involves everyone,” she said. Parents can see where their donations go and their children will be able to participate, hands-on, in packing our blessing bags.
Staff Report, March 16, 2022