Residents receive vaccine

Jan 27, 2021
A Bishop Grady Villas resident receives the first dose of the Pfizer vaccine January 23. (COURTESY)

ST. CLOUD | Residents of Bishop Grady Villas, a diocesan residence community for persons with disabilities, received the COVID-19 Pfizer vaccine Saturday, January 23. The group of approximately 70 residents, employees, and vocational day training attendees will receive their second shot in three weeks.

Bishop Grady Villas Executive Director, Kevin Johnson said, “We are very excited to participate in the state’s long-term care vaccination program to do our part to fight the COVID-19 pandemic. The impact has been devastating to our community with the loss of one of our beloved friends, as many have suffered throughout the world. In addition, our residents have been in quarantine with social distancing requirements, which has prohibited their ability to keep their jobs in the community and even closer contact with their family and friends at Bishop Grady Villas.”

Johnson was a participant in the Moderna vaccine trial. He was happy to share his own experience with staff and residents after he was unblinded from the study and informed he had received the vaccine during the trial, and not a placebo.

By Glenda Meekins of the Florida Catholic, January 27, 2021