Culture of Life Conference carries Marian theme

Sep 27, 2024

ORLANDO  |  The 37th annual Culture of Life Conference is just one month away, Oct. 18-19. With the Marian theme, “May it be done to me according to your word,” from Lk 1:38, conference speakers will be a source of inspiration to emulate Mary’s example.

The conference lands in the Diocese of Orlando every seven years and will take place at the Basilica of the National Shrine of Mary, Queen of the Universe. Presentations will cover sanctity of life, from fertility to the death penalty.

Leidy Rivas, Catholic Charities of Central Florida’s Culture of Life director, encourages everyone to attend. All are welcome, particularly young families, young adults and high school students.

“These are topics that affect us all in one or another stage of life,” she said.

Rivas prayed for guidance on the conference when she traveled to the Holy Land last year and asked for Our Lady’s intercession. She hopes the conference will inspire attendees to defend life in a world full of conflicting messages.

On opening night, Oct. 18, Father Jorge Torres will set the tone, opening hearts and minds to what God wants to share. Thoughtful reflection and prayer will be encouraged through Eucharistic Adoration and worship.

On Saturday, Oct. 19, participants will learn about the plight of the unborn in Florida from Dr. Steven Christie. Lauren Zamora, nurse and Natural Family Planning instructor, will talk about fertility awareness and the role NFP plays.

Ingrid Delgado, who works with the U.S. Conference of Catholic Bishops and co-chair of the board for Floridians for Alternatives to the Death Penalty, will speak about building a culture of life without the death penalty.

Jim Towey, who journeyed with St. Teresa of Kolkata during the last 12 years of her life, will share what he learned and discuss advanced directives. Towey previously headed the White House Office of Faith-Based and Community Initiatives. He is founder of the nonprofit advocacy organization Aging with Dignity and created the Five Wishes advance directive, with the encouragement of the late saint.

Because it is an election year, Father Derek Saldanha, pastor of St. Thomas Aquinas Parish in St. Cloud, will discuss faithful citizenship and the importance of voting with a well-formed Catholic conscience. Also speaking on Amendment 4 will be Michael Sheedy, executive director for the Florida Conference of Catholic Bishops.

Servant of the Pierced Hearts of Jesus and Mary, Sister María José Salgado will share on Project Rachel, a retreat for post-abortive women seeking spiritual healing and the ministry, Walking with Moms in Need.

Closing the day is singer, educator and writer Veronica Salgado.

“She will share how to embrace your fiat and say yes as Mary did,” said Rivas. “And where God is calling us at this moment in time to hopefully awaken us, to do more to build a culture of life in our communities, our families, and all our surroundings.”

For the first time ever, simultaneous Spanish translation and access for the hearing impaired will be available by downloading the free Listen Everywhere app, ListenWifi. Users must download the free app prior to the conference.

“We want folks to really understand the message and what’s at stake right now for our state, our country, and for us as human beings on this earth,” Rivas said.

Click here to learn more about voting no on Amendment 4.

By Glenda Meekins of the Florida Catholic Staff, September 26, 2024