Advocates take laps to save lives

Mar 6, 2025
Hundreds of supporters for life walk and run laps to raise funds for sonogram machines for area pregnancy centers during Central Florida Laps4Life at Bishop Moore High School, March 1, 2025. (GEORGE FOURNIER | FC)

ORLANDO | On March 1, 2025, at Bishop Moore Catholic High School, there was an opportunity to get some exercise while experiencing the wonder of new life. The occasion was the 12th annual Central Florida Laps4Life fundraising event organized by the local Knights of Columbus.

The school’s track provided the venue for runners and walkers. The track infield was reserved for children’s activities. The money raised was earmarked to support the work of several pro-life pregnancy centers.

Central Florida Laps for Life CEO and Knight of Columbus proudly stands by the Laps4Life sign at Bishop Moore High School in Orlando during their annual event, March 1, 2025. (GEORGE FOURNIER | FC)

For the past eight years, James Taglia has been CEO of Laps4Life. “It’s a celebration, a fun event. I even have one of my grandchildren helping out,” he said. As one measure of success, this year’s fundraising goal was $125,000 — the highest ever.

The funds are used to purchase ultrasound equipment for pregnancy centers. To date 50 of these machines have enabled women contemplating abortion to see their unborn child and hear their child’s heartbeat.

Several pregnancy centers were present, including Vans for Life, a Texas-based, mobile pregnancy center. Representing the local JMJ Pregnancy Center was Executive Director Bob Perron. “Our goal is to give hope to women contemplating abortion, to give them an understanding that they are not walking alone. They need to know that there is another way,” said Perron. Last year, with JMJ’s support, 607 women chose the pro-life way.

Also present were members of the Bishop Moore Hornets for Life club, started 15 years ago by students and faculty member Jennifer Connell. According to Connell, the club’s purpose is to, “teach students to appreciate life from conception to natural death.” One club member heartily agreed saying, “It made me understand that God created us for a reason.”

By George Fournier, Special to the Florida Catholic, March 06, 2025