Are We With God? – August 2024

My Sisters and Brothers in Christ:   

In this beautiful Scripture citation from the Book of Joshua, Joshua leads a conversation with the people and asks them if they wish to serve God, or some other god or person. He …

Be imitators of Christ always – August 2024

My Sisters and Brothers in Christ:  

How are you these summer days? Are you strengthened by God’s heavenly sustenance, the Eucharist? St. Paul tells us about the gift of the Eucharist as he speaks to the Ephesians, long ago yet …

Forgiveness, mercy central to Jubilee Year

Editor’s note: With the approaching Jubilee Year – Pilgrims of Hope, Bishop John Noonan responds to questions posed by Florida Catholic in this second of a two-part interview.

FC: Pope Francis has announced a Jubilee Year beginning Dec. 29,

Memories of June won’t be forgotten – June 2024

My Sisters and Brothers in Christ:

At the end of the month of June, we will have already celebrated six months of the year 2024. It does seem that time is illusive, for one moment we are celebrating the Nativity …

Ordination to the Priesthood – 2024

I welcome you to the Basilica of the National Shrine of Mary, Queen of the Universe. We are here today in thanksgiving to God for our brothers, Deacon Michael Batista and Deacon Phillip Mills who are to be ordained to …

The power of the Sacraments – May 2024

My Sister and Brothers in Christ:

We continue to hear how to be formed and live through the proclamation of Scripture this holy season of Easter. We learn how the disparate and scattered people gather in the Name of Jesus …