
Volunteer discovers it’s never too late to be Eucharist to others

Jun 6, 2024 ORLANDO | Patrick Mastronardo is 94 years old and admitted he’s learning some of the most important lessons of his life in local prisons. Alone after his wife passed, like many people isolated during the COVID pandemic, Mastronardo took a hard look at his existence and decided to make a change. Born Catholic, Mastronardo was…

Students pursue being Eucharist for the world

Jun 6, 2024 This is the first of two stories on Class of 2024 graduates. Part 2 will run in the June 14 e-edition. ORLANDO | More than 700 students graduated from Diocese of Orlando Catholic high schools this year. As the National Eucharistic Congress approaches, Florida Catholic highlights some of them in a two-part series, illustrating how…

Body of Christ gathers for Eucharistic pilgrimage

Jun 6, 2024 ORLANDO | People from as far as Brazil came to celebrate the Body of Christ on the feast of Corpus Christi and to take part in The Gift of Sacred Mystery: Eucharistic Pilgrimage at the Basilica of the National Shrine of Mary, Queen of the Universe, June 1, 2024. Starting with presentations on communion, participation…