
Program helps discover the ‘servant within’
Apr 25, 2024 ORLANDO | Bishop John Noonan will ordain 18 men to the Order of Deacon, June 8. Although all have distinct experiences, characters and charisms, they are all well formed. The formation program, 15 years in the making, is as distinct as they are. When the 2022 National Directory for the Formation, Ministry, and Life of…

Faith and science come together for Space Day
Apr 25, 2024 MELBOURNE | When 50 students clamored for a spot in Ascension Catholic School’s Chess Club, Lillie Switanek was surprised. Their interest and the fact the school is on the Space Coast prompted her to gather a committee of parents to explore ideas on how to provide more STEM activities for the students. One parent, Mercedes…

ODCCW Convention
Apr 25, 2024 The 56th annual Orlando Diocese Council of Catholic Women convention featured Bishop John Noonan and Father Tim LaBo. Both touched upon the convention’s theme, “Transform Like Christ into a New Life.” Using the life cycle of the butterfly, the theme came to life through various talks. Bishop Noonan was the convention keynote speaker and presided…