
Persistent calls lead seminarians to lives of service
Apr 18, 2024 BOCA RATON | Diocese of Orlando Deacons John Triolo and William Burns are one step closer to the priesthood, after their Ordination to the Diaconate, April 13, 2024. Held at St. Joan of Arc Parish in Boca Raton, the men were two of 10 seminarians from six Florida dioceses who committed themselves to a life of…

Bishop’s Letter: Jesus is the Way, the Truth, and the Life
Apr 18, 2024 My Sisters and Brothers in Christ: Peace and Grace of our Lord Jesus Christ be with you this Easter season. St. Peter is filled with the Spirit of the Lord, and we join him, recalling our Baptism, the flow of anointed waters blessing us to bear good fruit for the glory of God’s creation. We…

Volunteers recognized at new awards banquet
Apr 18, 2024 APOPKA | Almost 80 Catholic Charities of Central Florida volunteers from different parts of the Diocese of Orlando were recognized April 13, 2024, for their dedication and hard work toward helping those in need. The volunteers served in various ministries such as Agape Mission Markets, Clinics, Family Stability, Comprehensive Refugee Services program, and Immigration and…