
Population growth = growth in God’s kingdom
Mar 6, 2024 ORLANDO | Booming construction in Marion and Sumter counties is breathing new life into the Catholic Church in the northwest corner of the diocese. An influx of young families on the outskirts of The Villages is invigorating faithful communities formerly packed with mainly elderly parishioners. St. Jude in Ocala is a fairly small parish. In…

Bishop’s Letter: Trust God will offer us compassion and mercy
Mar 6, 2024 My Sisters and Brothers in Christ: We are at the midpoint of our Lenten journey and God, through His many messengers, guides us on the right path. By our participation in the Sacrament of Baptism, we become His messengers, and it is we who are leading each other to God. On the First Sunday of…

Bishop signs peace pledge
Mar 6, 2024 ORLANDO | Bishop John Noonan joined Orange County Mayor Jerry Demings, Orlando Mayor Buddy Dyer, various elected officials, law enforcement officers, college students and faith leaders in the ceremonial signing of The Central Florida Pledge. A call to action for residents to create a safe and inclusive community for all, The Central Florida Pledge is…

Bishop’s ‘knight’ out
Mar 6, 2024 ORLANDO | Bishop John Noonan spent a “knight” out with University of Central Florida Catholic Campus Ministry students during their weekly KnightFire. The event offers time for fellowship and a chance to share thoughts and experiences of their Christian journey. The evening began with St. Paul’s Outreach missionary Rebecca Laing explaining our mission to spread…