
Incardination marks two blessings in one
Sep 19, 2023 ORLANDO | It was a double header for Father Carlos Cabán, becoming a newly incardinated priest to the Diocese of Orlando followed by his installation as pastor of St. John Vianney Parish in Orlando. The successive events occurred Sept. 10, surrounded by fellow priests, his beloved parishioners, family and friends. The Puerto Rican-born pastor was ordained…

Mass serves to heal victims as they remember those lost
Sep 19, 2023 ORLANDO | Gathering at St. James Cathedral, survivors affected by suicide prayed for their loved ones and sought from their losses. Bishop John Noonan presided over the celebration of Mass noting, “When death is sudden, we often have questions and reflect on a variety of things. We come before the Lord tonight to pray and…

Congress offers a eucharistic feast
Sep 19, 2023 ORLANDO | On fire for the Lord, roughly 1,200 people crowded the parking lot at Holy Cross Parish to participate in the celebration of Mass, pray the rosary, and stand watch with Jesus during Eucharistic Adoration. The praise, prayer and worship kicked off the parish’s Eucharistic Congress, two days from Sept. 8-9, filled with opportunities…

75 years of love still growing
Sep 19, 2023 MELBOURNE | With 75 years and counting together, Francis (Frank) and Kathleen McGuire are a testament that forever love is possible. The couple, who are both World War II veterans said, “a love of learning, a love of laughing, and love of faith in God the Father and Jesus” are the ingredients fomenting joy and a deep…