
Catholic Culture: What is Cenacle?
Apr 6, 2023 Taking its roots from both Latin and Greek, the word “cenacle” derives from the root cena, meaning dinner. It refers to the site in Jerusalem that is venerated as the place where Jesus spent the last hours before His Passion — washing the feet of His apostles, celebrating the Last Supper, instituting the Priesthood and…

Parish community celebrates Filipino tradition on Good Friday
Apr 6, 2023 WINTER PARK | Sts. Peter and Paul is one of few parishes throughout the United States that celebrates Santo Entierro or Sacred Burial, the commemoration of the moments after Jesus’ death. The Filipino tradition reverences Jesus’ body after His passing and venerates His five wounds through procession of Jesus’ corpus throughout the town. Brought to…

F.A.I.T.H. continues to fights the good fight
Apr 6, 2023 DAYTONA BEACH | More than 1,000 people joined in solidarity to help F.A.I.T.H. address issues of flooding and affordable housing in Volusia County. F.A.I.T.H., which stands for Fighting Against Injustice Towards Harmony, is a nonprofit, grass roots organization comprised of 30 religious congregations in Volusia County. At the March 27 meeting, Virginia Bennett was first…

Priest is incardinated on his silver anniversary
Apr 6, 2023 ORLANDO | Father Justin Vakko’s silver anniversary celebration during the Chrism Mass brought with it yet another joy as he also became a diocesan priest that day. Incardinated into the Diocese of Orlando by Bishop John Noonan, he said he looks forward to continuing to pastor his parish, Prince of Peace in Ormond Beach, and…

Chrism Mass choir sings praises
Apr 6, 2023 ORLANDO | Almost 20 freshmen and seniors from Trinity Catholic High School Choir joined adult voices in singing during the annual Chrism Mass at Basilica of the National Shrine of Mary, Queen of the Universe, April 3. The experience was unlike others for the singers. Although most of their venues differ and they sing a…