
Pregnancy care centers continue to serve in post-Roe era
Mar 17, 2023 ORLANDO | After decades of deep prayer for an affirmation of the dignity of life, Catholics around the country, and other pro-lifers rejoiced at the June 8, 2022, U.S. Supreme Court’s ruling in Dobbs v Jackson Women’s Health Organization. The decision overturned Roe v Wade, but the “win” comes with new obstacles. Chloé Battle, center director…

Bishop’s Letter: Pray to the Holy Spirit to move your heart
Mar 17, 2023 My Sisters and Brothers in Christ: We are nearly half-way through our Lenten Season. I pray you are learning how God sees during this Season of Hope. I pray you are refreshed in knowing the Lord as your Shepherd who offers His heart to become one with yours. I pray you are learning to live…

Catholic pioneer on Space Coast is 100 years young
Mar 17, 2023 COCOA BEACH | As you walk into Grace Young’s apartment, witnesses to her faith abound — the statue on the foyer table of the Holy Family making their way out of Bethlehem, the cross on the wall, her devotion to the Blessed Mother. She noted it is the Blessed Mother’s “image of goodness and kindness” that…