
Lenten Dispensation – St. Patrick’s Day
Mar 6, 2023 My Brothers in Christ: Grace and Peace of our Lord Jesus Christ be with you this Lenten Season. Know that I pray with gratitude for each one of you as you flourish God’s Kingdom. The question of lifting the obligation of abstinence from eating meat on Friday, March 17 has been discussed as it corresponds…

Elect to enter the Church at Easter
Mar 3, 2023 ORLANDO | This year the Diocese of Orlando welcomed nearly 600 catechumens as elect of the Catholic Church at the Rite of Election Feb. 26, at the Basilica of the National Shrine of Mary, Queen of the Universe. Among the elect are 44 parishioners of Centro Guadalupano Mission in Wahneta. Many of those members will…

Parish accompanies dying prisoner in spirit
Mar 3, 2023 Editor’s note: This is second in a series on the corporal and spiritual works of mercy. RAIFORD | At 5:45 p.m. Feb. 23, 15 minutes prior to the time Donald David Dillbeck would die via lethal injection at Florida State Prison, a crowd began to sing. “When the way grows drear, Precious Lord, linger near.…

Bishop’s Letter: The Eucharist of the Transfiguration
Mar 3, 2023 “This is my beloved Son, with whom I am well pleased, listen to him” (Matthew 17: 5). My Sisters and Brothers in Christ: We continue our pilgrimage during this holy season of Lent to recognize Jesus within one another as we are called to serve one another. In the Scripture of the Second Sunday of Lent,…

Tom Ustler recognized for service to diocese
Mar 3, 2023 WINTER PARK | After more than 50 years as a real estate consultant, most of those as exclusive agent for the Diocese of Orlando, Tom Ustler received the Mary, Mother of God award from Bishop John Noonan at Ustler’s parish, St. Margaret Mary in Winter Park, Feb. 22. Gathered were friends and family who shared…

Students clean graves, honor the dead
Mar 3, 2023 DAYTONA | In early February, Basilica School of St. Paul and Father Lopez Catholic High School students in Daytona gathered to volunteer with the VFW Auxiliary at Daytona Memorial Cemetery. Anne Bibik, the basilica school’s religion teacher, said the school often partners with the auxiliary throughout the year. The day began with prayer, then 14 students…