
The Eucharist: God Among Us
Dec 8, 2022 The following is the first part of a series of installments of the Pastoral Letter. My Sisters and Brothers in Christ: As we begin our journey toward a Eucharistic Revival, I write with great hope and joy in God that His Presence will ever be our guide. I offer you my prayerful reflection about how…

The meaning of the Mass Christ present in the word proclaimed to the assembly
Dec 8, 2022 ORLANDO | In the first part of our series on the meaning of the Mass, we learned that the Church teaches that the introductory rites to the Mass serve “to ensure that the faithful who come together as one establish communion and dispose themselves to listen properly to God’s word and to celebrate the Eucharist…

Parish ‘decks the halls’ during annual holiday tour
Dec 8, 2022 SANFORD | Once again, All Souls Parish rectory was featured in the Sanford Holiday Tour of Homes, Dec. 3, welcoming more than 1,400 guests this year. Visitors learned about its origin in 1899, restoration, and its five seconds of fame as the backdrop for a Bob Evans restaurant commercial. This is the fourth time the…

Catholic Culture: What is the Immaculate Conception?
Dec 5, 2022 The Immaculate Conception refers to the doctrine that God preserved the Blessed Virgin Mary from the taint of original sin from the moment she was conceived; it was defined as a dogma of the Roman Catholic Church in 1854 and is a doctrine regarding Mary, Jesus’ mother. Most people misunderstand by believing that the Immaculate Conception refers to the conception of Jesus…