
19 men to proclaim the Word of God
Oct 27, 2022 ORLANDO | Nineteen men in preparation for the diaconate received the Rite of Institution of Lector Oct. 22, committing them to proclaim the Word of God. Pews of Holy Family Parish filled with almost 100 deacons and more than 40 wives to support the class of 2024 as they reached this milestone. The Rite of…

Students explore Hispanic heritage in St. Cloud
Oct 27, 2022 ST. CLOUD | Through Bible verses, Spanish lessons, stories of saints and videos, St. Thomas Aquinas News went all out to celebrate Hispanic Heritage Month Sept. 15 to Oct. 15. Father Derek Saldanha, parochial administrator, helped start the month strong with a video message about the importance of learning about other cultures. He followed up…

Magnify supporters dance the night away
Oct 27, 2022 Residents, staff and guests purchased auction items and danced the night away at the Harvest Ball of Magnify of Central Florida to benefit works that magnify the God-given gifts of people with disabilities. Hundreds of supporters came out for the event held at the Rosen Shingle Creek Resort in Orlando Oct. 22, 2022. The night…

Catholic Culture: Why is the Sacrament of Confirmation important?
Oct 27, 2022 The Sacrament of Confirmation is important because we are sealed with the gift of the Holy Spirit. This gift makes us aware that we have been strengthened by Christ to be His witnesses in the world. So, Confirmation is one of the seven Sacraments of the Church, that helps us strengthen our relationship with God.…