
Deacon serves others to honor life
Oct 13, 2022 PALM BAY | Watching a loved one slowly decline in their final days and saying farewell is difficult. For many the experience is so devastating, they cannot accompany their loved ones in that process. Deacon Al Somma makes that journey easier, thanks to his loving spirit and hard-learned experience. Even before becoming a deacon 30…

Catholic Culture: Why do we ask saints to pray for us?
Oct 13, 2022 There is no praying to the saints instead of to God. We Catholics join our prayers to theirs, and we ask them who are in heaven to pray for those of us here on earth. They are our companions and our examples. The more we join our prayers to the saints, the closer we draw…

Scalabrinian founder declared a saint
Oct 13, 2022 ORLANDO | Being present at the canonization of St. John Baptist Scalabrini in St. Peter’s Square was something many Missionaries of St. Charles Borromeo (Scalabrinians) dreamt for decades. Their hopes became reality Oct. 9, 2022, when Pope Francis declared the founder of the Scalabrinians a saint. Amongst those to witness the event were Fathers Noe…

Eucharistic-Marian Congress attracts worldwide speakers
Oct 13, 2022 ORLANDO | Hosted by the Servants of the Pierced Hearts of Jesus and Mary, the fourth Eucharistic-Marian Conference held in Miami, Oct. 7-9, 2022, included voices from all over the world, such as Antonia Acutis, mother of Blessed Carlo Acutis. Archbishop Santo Marciano, of the Military Ordinariate of Italy, presided at the Oct. 8 Mass.…