
Parish walks with moms in need toward Jesus
Jul 14, 2022 Names have been changed to protect the privacy of individuals. LAKE WALES | A mother walks into the old school at Holy Spirit Parish with an infant in arms while other little ones trail behind. Elaine Berner greets her with a broad smile, happy to see her again. She, like so many others, has come…

Bishop’s Letter: Go and Do Likewise
Jul 14, 2022 “You shall love the Lord, your God, with all your heart, with all your being, with all your strength, and with all your mind, and your neighbor as yourself.” Luke 10:27 My Sisters and Brothers in Christ: Who is your neighbor? This is an age-old question, not first asked by the disciples of Jesus, but…

Catholic Culture: What are the Fruits of the Spirit?
Jul 14, 2022 The fruits of the Spirit are love, joy, peace, patience, kindness, generosity, faithfulness, gentleness and self-control. We read this in Sacred Scripture in Galatians 5:22-23. The fruits of the Spirit are mentioned in contrast to the works of the flesh. St. Paul is exhorting the Galatians to live a life in the Spirit as opposed to…

Jesus inspires fearlessness in teens
Jul 14, 2022 ORLANDO | With arms outstretched, palms raised, and eyes gazed upon Him, thousands of teens knelt before the Lord as the monstrance passed before them during Eucharistic Adoration at the Steubenville Youth Conference. High school students from 16 parishes throughout the Diocese of Orlando, and surrounding states, gathered July 8-10, 2022, to praise and worship…

Parish’s renovations: ‘To infinity and beyond’
Jul 14, 2022 DELTONA | Parishioners at St. Clare Parish believe it is through the intercession of their patroness that the parish renovations glorify God. Parochial administrator, Father Héctor Vázquez Saad says he is only following the lead of previous pastor, Father Carlos Bedoya, reaping seeds planted. To describe the joy parishioners are experiencing, Father Vázquez Saad exclaimed…