
Shining armors of faith
Jun 15, 2022 ORLANDO | Eighteen men entered the Basilica of the National Shrine of Mary, Queen of the Universe in anticipation and gratitude, June 11, as they prepared to be ordained permanent deacons. In his homily, Bishop John Noonan called the men “shining armors of our faith.” Family, friends, priests, seminarians, deacons and religious who supported the…

Bishop’s Letter: Father’s Day
Jun 15, 2022 My Sisters and Brothers in Christ: Grace and Peace of our Lord Jesus be with you. On this glorious Solemnity of the Most Holy Body and Blood of Christ, we are drawn to praise our Heavenly Father who gave us His only begotten Son, Jesus, that we might have eternal life. We receive Him in…

This week’s question: What ministries may the deacon carry out?
Jun 15, 2022 Deacons quickly learn God’s Word is not authentically proclaimed by just being on the altar for Mass; it is preached in the holiness of the actions of their lives. Therefore, the words spoken to the deacon at Ordination are a comfort and challenge: “Receive the Gospel of Christ whose herald you have become. Believe what…