
Parish teaches beauty of icons and enhances worship
Apr 27, 2022 MELBOURNE BEACH | When Father Ben Berinti, C.PP.S, pastor of Immaculate Conception Parish began teaching a class on icons, he never imagined the faithful would embrace it so wholeheartedly. Not only did parishioners find beauty in the ancient pieces, but thanks to their donations, the parish has obtained more than 65 icons to be displayed…

Bishop’s Letter: Redemption
Apr 27, 2022 “Do you love me?” John 21:17 My Sisters and Brothers in Christ: In St. John’s Gospel for the Third Sunday of Easter, we hear the familiar story of Jesus asking Peter if he loves Jesus. We hear Peter respond three times his fiat, “yes, Lord, you know that I love you.” And, after each testimony…

Are we still in Easter?
Apr 27, 2022 Because so many of you enjoyed our Lenten Box questions, we have decided to continue asking clergy to respond weekly to questions pertaining to the Catholic faith. This week’s question is answered by Father Martin Nguyen of Holy Family Parish, Orlando. Are we still in Easter? The Celebration of the Triduum and Easter Sunday is…

ODCCW convention communicates God’s love to all
Apr 27, 2022 ALTAMONTE SPRINGS | As Father Miguel González inaugurated the Orlando Diocese Council of Catholic Women’s (ODCCW) convention, singing the traditional Ave Maria, the warmth exuded by the spiritual director filled the room, touching those present at the Altamonte Hilton. This year’s theme, “God’s love for all”, was felt by longtime members and new ones. First…

Tournament honors memory of priest
Apr 27, 2022 MELBOURNE | Three cheers for Ireland and beloved priest Father Eamon Tobin, former pastor of Annunciation Parish. More than 116 parishioners and friends gathered at the Indian River Colony Club in Viera to honor the memory of their beloved pastor who died suddenly in January 2021. Leading the coordination efforts were Victoria and Pete Dunn.…