
Mission bears fruit of evangelization with seminarians
Mar 24, 2022 DOMINICAN REPUBLIC | Influenced by priests serving in the Sister Diocese of San Juan de la Maguana in the Dominican Republic for the last 30 years, cousins Wandy and Junior Brioso Delgado share their vocation and path to the priesthood. Their story is one that speaks to the fullness and power of faith and evangelization.…

Rachel’s Vineyard heals wounds of abortion
Mar 24, 2022 ORLANDO | When Romelia first heard of Rachel’s Vineyard, a healing retreat for men and women who have suffered through abortion, she was at on an Emmaus retreat. A speaker shared her story and Romelia was open to participating. Raised Catholic and reinvigorated in her faith through an Emmaus retreat in 2016, she received the…

What is Laetare Sunday?
Mar 24, 2022 During Lent, the time of penance and fasting, there is a reminder in the Church that joy is coming in the Resurrection. On the fourth Sunday of Lent, known as Laetare Sunday, the Church in her wisdom allows us to take a break, to pause and refresh ourselves, to encourage us in our course through…

Santa Fe Catholic High School celebrates Pi Day
Mar 24, 2022 LAKELAND | Pi Day is an annual opportunity to celebrate math, talk to friends about math, and eat pie. Pi (π) happens to be one of the most recognizable mathematical symbols to represent a constant — the ratio of the circumference of a circle to its diameter (approximately 3.14159). Every year, schools celebrate International Pi…