
Surrendering mind, body and soul to Christ
Feb 16, 2022 ALTAMONTE SPRINGS | Overwhelmed with emotion and joy, Amy Roza walked down the long aisle at Annunciation Parish Feb. 11. Surrounded by friends from five different religious orders and numerous parishes, organizations and Christian backgrounds, Roza’s consecration brought together a unique, magnificent celebration in Christ. She described it, “as the Church fully alive”. Before the…

Bishop’s Letter: Our Catholic Appeal
Feb 16, 2022 Blessed is the one who trusts in the LORD, whose hope is the LORD (Jer 17:7). My Sisters and Brothers in Christ: Trust in the Lord! These words are prayed and exclaimed, the anointing of each day. They are the praise of our ancestors, Abraham, Isaac and Jacob; the fiat of Mary, our Blessed Mother;…

To give anything less is to sacrifice the gift
Feb 16, 2022 DAYTONA BEACH | Many people might start dreaming of retirement in their early 60s, not Catholic running coach, Sue O’Malley. She’s been helping young runners at Father Lopez High School sprint toward their dreams for nearly 20 years now… and she’s not giving up any time soon. When asked how it all began, O’Malley remembers…

San Pedro open for wedding receptions
Feb 16, 2022 WINTER PARK | Are wedding bells ringing in your future? Now you can celebrate that momentous occasion at San Pedro Spiritual Development Center’s newly renovated St. Anthony of Padua Hall. The entire hall was revamped and modified with new flooring, lighting, two indoor bathrooms, a catering kitchen and room for nearly 200 people. Exterior bungalow…