
Ignite the Light of the World
Jan 5, 2022 WINTER PARK | During the final weekend of Advent, young parishioners of St. Margaret Mary Parish invited patrons of posh Park Avenue to light a candle and pray. The group hoped to share the love of Christ with passersby on December 18th. The candles burned at the foot of the altar as a sign of…

On mission to change lives
Dec 20, 2021 ORLANDO | Eugene McLoughlin knew it was his last chance: the infidelity, substance abuse, and three separations from his wife, Jessica, and three children. Jessica offered reconciliation if they moved away from turmoil and temptation. They left Ecuador and moved to the U.S. in the hopes of picking up the pieces of a shattered marriage…

What is the Code of Canon Law?
Dec 20, 2021 St. Paul described the Church as the Mysterical Body of Christ (cf. 1Cor. 12:12-31; Col. 1:18). This mystical reality has a visible expression manifested in its institutional and hierarchical structure. As such, we need the law to uphold order, protect rights, provide guidance, and if necessary, for reparation of damages, impose penalty on offenders of…