
Parishes welcome program to help parents of addicts
Nov 10, 2021 ORLANDO | Julia Hayden sat on the floor of her room sobbing and broken. Her leg still in a brace after a serious car accident during her recent move to Florida, she was reeling from the phone call that ended minutes earlier. Her son had just informed her he was using heroin. “In that moment…

Bishop’s Letter: CCCF Annual Collection
Nov 10, 2021 Come, you who are blessed by my Father. Inherit the kingdom prepared for you from the foundation of the world Matthew 25:34 My Sisters and Brothers in Christ: During our journey through the pandemic, what has God taught us? He has taught us about the treasure of each other. When the hurricanes and floods came,…

Diocese welcomes two religious
Nov 10, 2021 Sister Magdalena Grymuza, MSF Sister Magdalena Grymuza of the Missionary Sisters of the Holy Family (MSF) is the vocations director for her order and teaches second grade at St. Peter Catholic School in DeLand. Prior to teaching at St. Peter’s, Sister Grymuza served as a youth minister in Illinois and as campus minister at Olivet…