
Bishop Grady Villas magnifies the Lord
Oct 21, 2021 ST. CLOUD | “I have something, you have another, and together we have something bigger and more beautiful. This is how we go forward.” These words of Pope Francis, spoken to several hundred disabled persons and their caregivers, sums up the reason behind Magnify, the expanded organization under which the Diocese of Orlando’s work, on…

Perspective is 20/20
Oct 21, 2021 ORLANDO | Five years of formation preceded my Ordination. The reality is, though, formation never ends. As I reflect on my diaconal ministry having entered my 20th year of service, it is easy to see how God uses each moment to deepen my understanding and ability to serve the People of God. It was easy…

Days of Prayer and Reflection for COVID-19
Oct 21, 2021 ORLANDO | Elected officials and clergy from many faiths unite to proclaim Oct. 22-29 as “Days of Prayer and Reflection”. “The City of Orlando invites residents, in accordance with their own faiths and beliefs, to join together in compassion and support for those lost from COVID-19 and for our entire community,” states the proclamation signed…