
First responder’s son delivers homily at Blue Mass
Sep 30, 2021 ORLANDO | The 20th Annual Blue Mass, Sept. 29, came on the heels of an epic year of pandemic, historic records of suicides and overdose deaths, and mental crises – making the celebration of the liturgy even more profound for first responders, police, firefighters, and dispatchers participating. Concelebrating with Bishop John Noonan and other clergy,…

Bishop’s Letter: All things are possible for God
Sep 29, 2021 My Sisters and Brothers in Christ: When Jesus walked this earth, wealth was considered a sign of God’s favor, God’s blessing. Yet, Jesus came to undo what man had made to point us to God alone, for possessions do not make a wealthy person. What does the image of wealth mean for us? It may…

Holy Cross priest installed as pastor
Sep 29, 2021 VIERA | Prepared to celebrate the installation of their beloved priest, Holy Cross Father John Britto, parishioners, clergy and friends packed St. John the Evangelist Parish, Sept. 26. Various choirs came together for the occasion, making “joyful noise unto the Lord”. Bishop John Noonan shared words of gratitude as he handed the new pastor the…

Knights give gift of life
Sep 29, 2021 ORLANDO | A band of brothers is on a mission to save babies across the diocese. 18 different Knights of Columbus councils worked together at the Central Florida Laps for Life challenge and raised enough money for two new ultrasound machines. The Knights gifted this life-saving technology to Choices Women's Clinic located next to the…

Discerning the Diaconate: Ordination day
Sep 29, 2021 ORLANDO | On Ordination day, I felt like I was part of a reality show that each week narrows the field down to the two finalists. Perhaps an irreverent comparison, but with a formation cohort that started with 12 men, only two of us would stand before the bishop that day. During the five years…