
Faith, family, COVID, and Sacramental grace
Sep 22, 2021 MELBOURNE | Homebound with illness for some time when the COVID pandemic hit, quarantine did not come as a shock to Audrey Gibson. The 47-year-old, former teacher at Ascension Catholic School in Melbourne, was used to it - multiple health issues often kept her homebound. Little in her life would change. In fact, it seemed…

Discerning the diaconate
Sep 22, 2021 ORLANDO | I thought it was about what I wanted. I learned it was about what God wanted. My first inkling that I might have a vocation to the Permanent Diaconate occurred in my early thirties. My wife and I had happily settled into our vocation of marriage, but there was a tug on my…

40 Days for Life campaign starts with prayer
Sep 22, 2021 ALTAMONTE SPRINGS | Mark Romagosa is a parishioner of Nativity in Longwood who is coordinating his fifth campaign for 40 Days for Life. On the first day of the campaign, Sept. 22, 2021, he stood alongside other sidewalk prayer warriors, who took turns interceding for mothers and the unborn. He began after retirement and admitted,…

Faith formation volunteers answer God’s call
Sep 22, 2021 EUSTIS | In a quiet, contemplative atmosphere of fluttering light and crinkling Bible pages, men and women could be seen gazing at crucifixes, their hands clasped in prayer. Some of them brushed away tears or took notes, their pens danced across journals. John Molloy, director of children’s ministry at the Diocese of Orlando, had just…