
Bishop’s Letter: God’s Law is Freedom
Jun 30, 2021 The Spirit of the Lord is upon me, for he sent me to bring glad tidings to the poor. Luke 4:18 [audio mp3="https://www.orlandodiocese.org/wp-content/uploads/2021/07/32-Gods-Law-is-Freedom.mp3"][/audio] My Sisters and Brothers in Christ: To whom did Christ send us to bring glad tidings to the poor? Our immediate family? Our extended family? Those who are without homes? Those…

Seeing God in the midst of COVID
Jun 30, 2021 ORLANDO | Father James Tharakan, parochial vicar of Holy Family Parish in Orlando was born and raised in the southern state of Kerala, India. The youngest of eight, he and his brother, George, are the only ones no longer living in Kerala. Until this past May, COVID-19 had not touched his family. Father Tharakan’s brother,…

Summer camp superheroes
Jun 30, 2021 WINTER PARK | Dodging afternoon rains, San Pedro Spiritual Development campers enjoy outdoor activities, discovering their superpower and how it helps them live their faith. Superheroes in Training, this year’s theme, is a throwback to Summer Camp Manager Lisa Karpinski’s middle school days there. “You can incorporate so many things into superheroes and it fits…