
Bishop’s Letter: Do you not yet have faith?
Jun 15, 2021 “Do you not yet have faith? (Mark 4:40)” [audio mp3="https://www.orlandodiocese.org/wp-content/uploads/2021/06/31-Do-You-Not-Yet-Have-Faith.mp3"][/audio] My Sisters and Brothers in Christ: I prepare this column for your reading as Father’s Day approaches. It is a perfect time to pray about our relationship with God the Father and pray with gratitude for all those who have been fathers…

Pastor retires after six decades planting seeds of faith
Jun 15, 2021 WINTER SPRINGS | People gathered early for Monsignor John Bluett’s farewell Mass on the 58th anniversary of his Ordination, June 13. Every song, from “Living Stones”, written for St. Stephen Catholic Community’s 25th anniversary, to “One Fold, One Shepherd”, written for Monsignor Bluett’s 50th anniversary, celebrated the pastor’s legacy of planting seeds of faith wherever…

Helping immigrants become citizens
Jun 15, 2021 ORLANDO | There are as many reasons to seek U.S. citizenship as there are people. Every story is different. The common denominators – they all want a better life, freedom, and the chance to realize their dreams. Catholic Charities of Central Florida’s Immigration and Refugee Legal Services helps them. Maria came to the U.S. from…