
Bishop’s Letter: Why Are You Standing There
May 6, 2021 . . . why are you standing there looking at the sky (Acts 1: 11)? [audio mp3="https://www.orlandodiocese.org/wp-content/uploads/2021/05/29-Why-Are-You-Standing-There.mp3"][/audio] My Sisters and Brothers in Christ: Why are you standing there and looking at the sky? Jesus is not to be found looking up to there. His continued Presence lies within each one of you—through…

A Promise to Jesus fulfilled
May 6, 2021 KISSIMMEE | Violet, golden bronze, shades of gray and blue - these are the glorious colors that bring to life the new 13 x 13 foot mural in the vestibule of St. Catherine of Siena Parish in Kissimmee. Artist Gladys Torres spent 9 months sketching, molding and piecing together the sacred art. She calls it,…

CCW looks to the future by embracing the present
May 6, 2021 MELBOURNE | The Diocese of Orlando Council of Catholic Women is known for shaping Catholic women through its development of spiritual, leadership and service opportunities. As many in the organization approach their golden years, ODCCW President Ginny Hagen, says members are working hard to attract younger women with the desire to grow as Catholics and…

Changing lives through foster care
May 6, 2021 ORLANDO | A few years ago, Kevin Wiegand attended his biological father’s funeral with his sister. After meeting his natural family, he found some of the conversation disturbing. “Some were not very good people,” he said. “Had I been raised in that setting, I would be a completely different person.” Wiegand was lucky. He was…