Welcome to the Diocese of Orlando Communications and Announcements section.
This page is provided for the convenience of bulletin editors, social media and communications staff, pastors and other parish/school leaders so they can communicate information from the offices and ministries of the diocese, to their audiences through weekly parish print and electronic bulletins, website, social media and newsletters. Check back weekly since new information will be added on a regular basis.

Contact Us

Welcome to our Bulletin Announcements and social media help page. Below are events from all over the diocese along with graphics for bulletin and social media use, if we have them. Please feel free to download and use these to promote these events often. Parish events are listed in the Arounds section of the Florida Catholic, published every Friday online. For a free subscription, go to thefloridacatholic.org and click SUBSCRIBE.

Glenda Meekins
Writer, Photographer, and Producer
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New African Mass, third Sundays (May 18)

Father Emmanuel Akalue warmly invites all Catholics of African heritage or origin in the Diocese of Orlando to participate in the monthly Masses and gatherings of the African community. These events take place every 3rd Sunday of the month at 3:00 PM in the Divine Child Chapel at Holy Redeemer Parish,  1603 N. Thacker Ave., Kissimmee, FL. This month Mass will be May 18 (No April Mass due to Easter Sunday).

For more information, you may contact the parish office at 407-847-2500 or reach out to Father Emmanuel directly at fremmanuel@hredeemer.org.

40 Days for Life March 4-April 13

40 Days for Life is an internationally coordinated 40-day campaign that aims to end abortion locally through prayer and fasting, community outreach, and a peaceful all-day vigil in front of abortion businesses. Join in a community vigil at your nearest abortion clinic. To find a campaign in your area (Orlando, Altamonte Springs, Kissimmee, Lakeland and Gainesville), go to https://www.40daysforlife.com/en/vigil-search.aspx

For a graphic, click here.

Project Rachel Helpline/Upcoming retreats

If you or someone you know has been impacted by an abortion, confidential non-judgmental help is available through the Diocese of Orlando’s Project Rachel helpline. Call or text (407) 222-8584 or email projectrachel@cflcc.orgThis year’s post-abortive healing retreats are scheduled to take place in Orlando during April, June, July, September, and October. For more information, please visit cflcc.org/culture-of-life.

Bulletin editors:
For Project Rachel’s digital flyer click for English and Spanish.
For a graphic in English, click here. For a graphic in Spanish, click here.

Your time can change a life.

At Catholic Charities of Central Florida, our St. Gabriel Call Center is a vital part of our mission. We’re seeking volunteers who speak English, are at least 21 years old, and have or are willing to get diocesan clearance. Your participation in our orientation and training will prepare you for your role. We understand the importance of your time, which is why we offer flexible schedules. You can contribute a minimum of three hours per week. Shifts run from 9 a.m. – noon, and 1-4 p.m., Monday through Friday. Contact Ineavelle Colón at Icolonreyes@cflcc.org or call 407-658-1818 Ext. 1118 to start making a difference today.


Chrism Mass, April 14

Bishop Noonan invites all the faithful to the celebration of the Chrism Mass on Monday, April 14 beginning at 11 a.m. at the Basilica of the National Shrine of Mary, Queen of the Universe, 8300 Vineland Ave., Orlando. During the Chrism Mass Bishop John Noonan will consecrate the holy oils used in Sacraments and other celebrations during the year. The Chrism Mass is also an opportunity for all priests to renew their priestly commitment and for jubilarian priests celebrating 25, 50, and other significant anniversaries to be honored.


 Legacy Planning Seminar, March 29 – St. Ann’s

Life is unpredictable. re you prepared? Learn how to create or update a plan that protects your family and aligns with your Catholic values. A Catholic estate attorney will offer advice on wills, trusts, guardianships and more. Also learn about Catholic funeral rites and charitable tools to leave your legacy. Free. Saturday, March 29, 1:30 p.m.-4 p.m., St. Charles Borromeo Parish, Bishop Grady Hall, 4001 Edgewater Dr., Orlando. Register at stcharlesorlando.org/news/legacy-planning-rsvp/

For a half page ad, click here.
For a flyer, click here.
For a square ad, click here.

 Legacy Planning Seminar, April 5 – St. Faustina

Life is unpredictable. re you prepared? Learn how to create or update a plan that protects your family and aligns with your Catholic values. A Catholic estate attorney will offer advice on wills, trusts, guardianships and more. Also learn about Catholic funeral rites and charitable tools to leave your legacy. Free. Saturday, April 5, 10 a.m.-12:30 p.m., St. Faustina Parish, 15551 N. Boggy Creek Marsh Rd., Clermont. Register by calling 352-515-9297.

For a half page ad, click here.
For a flyer, click here.
For a square ad, click here.

ODCCW Convention, April 26-28

The Orlando Diocese Council of Catholic Women will hold their annual convention at the Hilton at Rialto Place in Melbourne, April 26-28. Taking up the theme, Here I am Lord, Father Zachary Parker, Parochial Vicar,  Ascension Catholic Church will be the keynote speaker. Through spirituality, service, leadership and legislative advocacy council members grow in faith, help build the kingdom of God, and exercise their duty to citizenship through actively promoting Catholic values. Registration information can be found at ODCCW website: https://www.odccw.com/landing-1-1

Go on mission to the D.R. and change lives in 2025

Do you have a heart to help others? Share your God-given gifts with people from our Sister Diocese of San Juan de la Maguana in the Dominican Republic in 2025. Dental, construction and teaching missions offer opportunities to serve the Lord and transform lives. If you are interested in serving, contact the Mission Office, 407-246-4893 or email Zwamy Parra at zparra@orlandodiocese.org.

For a flyer, click here.

Host a mission student for the 2025-26 school year

International students from the Dominican Republic who will be attending Bishop Moore High School are in need of host parents for the 2025-26 school year. Hosting a student enhances the lives of your own family members; it increases cultural awareness with your home and community: and it creates bonds that will last a lifetime in addition to helping educate the leaders of tomorrow. For more information, please contact Zwamy Parra at 407-246-4893.

For a graphic, click here.

Subscribe to E-Scroll

Enkindle a deeper faith in your heart and mind, become a leader in Christ, and help us harmonize ministries to the mission of the Catholic Church by signing up for E-Scroll, the Diocese of Orlando online newsletter. Go to www.orlandodiocese.org/e-scroll/ to subscribe for free.

Queen of Angels Cemetery

For a Catholic, burial in a Catholic cemetery is a final act of faith, to one’s belief in the resurrection of the body and everlasting life. The Catholic cemetery is a sacred place set aside by the Church for the burial of the faithful. The bodies of those buried there rest under the watchful eye of the local Bishop until the last day. The Catholic cemetery is an extension of the parish community where those who have worshipped together in life now rest together in peace, awaiting Christ’s return in glory. Though the character and charism of a Catholic cemetery is different from that of commercial and municipal cemeteries, Catholics buried in non-Catholic cemeteries lie in ground, crypt or niche that was made sacred during the Rite of Committal. Learn more by visiting https://catholiccemeteriescfl.org

For a post, click here.

Our Catholic Appeal 2025

Each year the Diocese of Orlando appeals to parishes to share in assisting grow the Kingdom of God and be good stewards of all that God has given us. For all Our Catholic Appeal related flyers, postings, banners, guides, in English and Spanish, please click here. For more information, go to OurCatholicAppeal.org.

Save your marriage

If your marriage has become troubled and stressed, unloving or uncaring; if you have grown cold and distant; even if you are divorced or separated, or are thinking about it, Retrouvaille can help, as it has helped thousands of others. For more information, upcoming dates and registration call 352-274-4614. All calls and names held in strictest confidence. Not counseling or group therapy. And please see our website at Retrouvaille.org.


These events are at Basilica of the National Shrine of Mary, Queen of the Universe, 8300 Vineland Ave., Orlando. The basilica is a designated pilgrimage site for the Jubilee Year of Hope, ending Dec. 28, 2025.

New Polish Mass, Sundays at 2:30 p.m.

Please join Father Julian Bednarz, S.D.S. for a weekly celebration of Mass in Polish, Sundays at 2:30 p.m.
For a graphic, click here.

First Friday Chaplet, April 4

Come together to pray the Divine Mercy Chaplet, Friday, April 4, 2024.

For a April graphic, click here.

First Saturdays with the Blessed Mother, April 5

Join us every first Saturday for a presentation on the Blessed Mother at 9 a.m.; confession at 10:30 a.m.; Mass at noon. This month’s speaker will be Rachel Bulman. This month it will take place Saturday, April 5. 
For a April 5 graphic, click here.

Tenebrae, April 11

The Basilica Choir presents a dramatic liturgical service, highlighting the gradual extinguishing of candles, accompanied by a series of readings and exquisitely sung a cappella choral repertoire. Sponsored by Dr. and Mrs. Peter Lam. For more information call 407-239-6600 or email wpicher@gmail.org. Event begins at 7:30 p.m.


Your time can save a life

Catholic Charities of Central Florida is seeking volunteers for their St. Gabriel call center. Applicants must be English speakers, at least 21 years old, and participate in orientation and training. Schedules are flexible with a minimum of one, three-hour shift, any day Monday through Friday. Contact Ineavelle Colón at Icolonreyes@cflcc.org or call 407-658-1818, ext. 1118.

For a graphic, click here.

Mental Health First Aid Trainings

Learn to identify, understand and respond to signs of mental illnesses and substance use disorders. The training gives you the skills you need. Total of 6.5 hours. Part 1: 2 hours on your own, online, completed before taking Part 2. Access to Part 1 after registering for a Part 2 date. Part 2: 4.5 hours with Instructors from Behavioral Health Services, via Zoom. Contact Kyle Osborn at kosborn@cflcc.org

• Adult MHFA, Friday, May 9, 8:30 a.m.-Noon. Registration deadline May 2.
• Adult MHFA, Tuesday, May 20, 12:00 p.m.-4:30 p.m. Registration deadline May 13.
• Youth MHFA, Tuesday, April 8, 8:30 a.m.-1 p.m. Registration deadline April 1.

Project Rachel Helpline/Upcoming retreats

If you or someone you know has been impacted by an abortion, confidential non-judgmental help is available through the Diocese of Orlando’s Project Rachel helpline. Call or text (407) 222-8584 or email projectrachel@cflcc.orgThis year’s post-abortive healing retreats are scheduled to take place in Orlando during February, April, June, July, September, and October. For more information, please visit cflcc.org/culture-of-life.

Bulletin editors:
For Project Rachel’s digital flyer click for English and Spanish.
For a graphic in English, click here. For a graphic in Spanish, click here.

Medical Clinics need volunteers

Catholic Charities of Central Florida is seeking MDs, PAs, RNs, OBGYNs, EKG Technicians, endocrinologists, orthopedic surgeons, certified health educators, general and nurse practitioners to volunteer at the Lazarus Free Medical Clinic located at the San Pedro de Jesus Maldonado Mission in Wildwood, Monday through Thursday.

Please help us to bring forth God’s mercy to those who are ill and are struggling financially. Our clients are uninsured and living at 200% or below the poverty level. To learn more about serving at the Lazarus Free Medical Clinic, please contact  Myrta.Aviles@cflcc.org. Also seeking volunteers: St. Luke Free Medical and Dental Clinic in Eustis, and La Guadalupana Clinic in Ocala. Please contact Erin.Burley@cflcc.org . For St. Thomas Free Medical Clinic in St. Cloud,  Kelly.Bender@cflcc.org.

Volunteers are needed to prevent Homelessness

Clerical and administrative volunteers are needed in Catholic Charities of Central Florida’s Family Stability Program in Orlando, Winter Haven, and Cocoa. Volunteers help with a variety of areas that can range from answering phones, greeting guests, scheduling appointments, operating copy machines, assisting with data entry, copying, filing and organization. Volunteer hours range between 9 a.m. and 4 p.m. Monday-Friday.

For more information visit cflcc.org/volunteer/.

Catholic Charities Needs Food Distribution Volunteers

Catholic Charities is looking for volunteers to help distribute food at its Agape Mission Markets in Orlando on Mondays, Wednesdays, Thursdays, and Fridays. Visit cflcc.org/volunteer for more information and to sign up.

Catholic Charities Website

Check out Catholic Charities of Central Florida’s website for news, volunteer information, services and more. cflcc.org

Be a mentor. Change a life.

Catholic Charities of Central Florida Refugee Youth Services Program is seeking adults to serve as mentors for refugee children.  Many of the children we serve have suffered traumatic violence, loss of family and friends, war, and life in a refugee camp. They need your help.

Mentors help our youth with: learning English, understanding homework assignments, and making sense of a new culture. But most of all, mentors are a caring friend and positive role model.

Mentor Requirements: Must be at least 18 years old, participate in mentor training and safe environment training, background check and commit to volunteer at least three hours per week.

Sign-up to make a difference today! Contact Jacob: Jacob.miller@cflcc.org, 410-218-4041.

St. Luke Medical and Dental Clinic needs professional volunteers

Catholic Charities of Central Florida operates medical and dental clinics throughout the Diocese of Orlando – including the St. Luke Medical and Dental Clinic in Eustis. It is supported by volunteer medical and dental practitioners. To offer your time, please visit cflcc.org/volunteer or call (352) 602-4640.

For a jpg announcement, please click here.


The following events can be found at 95 Bishop Grady Ln., Winter Park (same location, new address) https://www.sanpedrocenter.org/upcoming-events

In the Heart of Our Lady Marian prayer group, Wednesday, April 2 next meeting

Join the Servants of the Pierced Hearts of Jesus and Mary as they pray the rosary in response to Our Lady’s petitions to pray in reparation, for the intentions of the Immaculate and Maternal Heart of Mary, for world peace and the conversion of humanity, for your own intentions, and consecration to the Immaculate Heart. There will be Marian songs and hymns throughout. Every first Wednesday in Mary, Mother of God Chapel at San Pedro Spiritual Development Center, Winter Park from 7:30 p.m.-8:30 p.m., Wednesday, April 2.

For a graphic, click here.

Women’s Catholic Meditation & Movement with Dawn Marie, April 3

Women wear many hats as wives, mothers, daughters, employees, sisters, friends, and neighbors all in helping supporting roles. In 2025, take time to build your temple in body mind and soul. In STRETCH and REFLECT with Dawn Marie, we share gentle moves and praise God with mindful meditation. We rest our bodies using a calming breath and gentle movement and are led by the Holy Spirit. Mindful meditation and movement is a great alternative to secular meditation. Ask yourself: Does your meditation glorify the emptiness of the mind or glorify God with prayerful thought? Does your exercise create an isolated space or a sacred space in the community? Please join us as we move and pray while we focus on living our life for Christ with self-care as God intends. All levels are welcome. Come and share and be part of our Catholic Christian community. Refreshments provided. Please bring an exercise mat or towel for floor work and dress comfortably. Chairs will also be provided for modifications. April Theme: Spring – Strength, Peace, Repentance, Impatience, New Life, Grace. $15 per person, per session. Join us Thursday, April 3, 7-8:30 p.m., St. Augustine Building 100. Women’s Catholic Meditation and Movement with Dawn Marie | San Pedro Center | Retreat & Conference Center

For a graphic, click here.

Eucharistic Cenacle, Friday, April 4

The Servants of the Pierced Hearts of Jesus and Mary invite you to a vigil to pray for the protection of life, Friday, April 4, 7:30 – 9:30 p.m., in the Mary, Mother of God Chapel.

For a graphic, click here.

Living Last Supper, April 7 & 8

Join us for a live dramatization of Leonardo Da Vinci’s The Last Supper by Ernest Emurian. This moving production captures the moment when Jesus says, “One of you will betray me,: prompting the famous pose from Da Vinci’s painting. One by one each apostle steps out of the painting to share their story, their relationship with Jesus and one another. Monday, April 7 at 7 p.m. and Tuesday, April 8 at 7 p.m. Purchase tickets at www.sanpedrocenter.org/living-;last-supper-2025

For a flyer, click here.

St. Philomena Group, April 12

The Servants of the Pierced Hearts of Jesus and Mary guide a group of young ladies ages 11-16 to grow in faith and virtue. Come and see what this group is all about! Please learn more by emailing Sr. Kristi Bergman, SCTJM, Sister Kristi or call the Convent landline: (407) – 960-2423.

For a graphic click here.

Nazareth Discernment Group for Women, April 12

The Servants of the Pierced Hearts of Jesus and Mary offer a Discernment Group for young women from the ages of 16–35 who are interested in learning more about Religious Life…Who are Religious Sisters? How do we live? How do we serve? How do we love the Lord and the world through His Heart…? Please learn more by emailing Sr. Mary Rachel, SCTJM, srmaryr@piercedhearts.org or call the Convent landline: (407) – 960-2423.

For a graphic, click here.

Holy Week Silent Day Retreat-Let All Mortal Men Be Silence, April 15

Join Father Anthony Aarons for a day of silent reflection and spiritual renewal during Holy Week, inspired by the ancient hymn “Let All Mortal Flesh Keep Silence.” This retreat offers a unique opportunity to step away from the noise and busyness of daily life and enter into a sacred space of silence and contemplation. Throughout the day, we will engage in Mass, reflections from Father Aarons, and have time for personal prayer on the San Pedro grounds. Participants are encouraged to embrace the stillness and allow themselves to be deeply moved by the solemnity of Holy Week. Whether you are seeking a deeper connection with your faith or simply a moment of peace, this retreat provides a serene environment to encounter the presence of God in silence. All are welcome to join us on this sacred journey. Please bring a journal, a Bible, and a heart open to the transformative power of silence. Continental breakfast and lunch, $40.

For a graphic, click here.

VIVIT, Youth & Young Adult Formation & Adoration, April 15

All youth and young adults are invited to join the Servants of the Pierced Heart of Jesus and Mary for Formation, Adoration, Praise and Worship and Prayer on Tuesday, April 15, from 7:30 p.m. to 8:30 p.m. in the Mary, Mother of God Chapel. VIVET happens on the Third Wednesday of every month. No registration required.

For a graphic for April, click here.

Monthly Memorial Mass, April 25

Join Queen of Angels Cemetery staff each month for a Memorial Mass at Mary, Mother of God Chapel, San Pedro Spiritual Development Center, 95 Bishop Grady Ln., Winter Park. Mass includes special intercession for deceased priests, deacons, and all those buried in Queen of Angels Cemetery. Liturgy of the Hours, 8 a.m.

Priests: Most Rev. Thomas Grady, Msgr. Terrence J. Farrelly, Rev. Eduardo Benitez, Rev. Domingo Gonzalez, Rev. Edward Hamilton, Rev. Sean Heslin, Rev. Clyde Bonar

Deacons: Deacon Louis Bonneau, Deacon Richard Del Papa, Deacon Vern Henry, Deacon Alan Michels, Deacon Greg Nelsen

For a Mass graphic, click here.
For a graphic with names of deceased deacons, click here.
For a graphic with names of deceased priests, click here.

Fiat retreat to learn more about religious life, Sept. 5-7

Come and see what religious life is all about. Young women ages 16 to 35 are invited to spend time with the Servants of the Pierced Hearts of Jesus and Mary to learn more about the religious life and their institute. Experience the unique gift of the Sisters’ Marian charism and the fourth vow of total Marian identification and availability. For more information, contact sralexia@piercedhearts.org.

For a graphic, click here.

San Pedro is open for wedding receptions

Are wedding bells ringing in your future? Now you can celebrate that momentous occasion at San Pedro Spiritual Development Center’s newly renovated St. Anthony of Padua Hall. The entire hall was revamped and modified with new flooring, lighting, two indoor bathrooms, a catering kitchen and room for 192 people. Exterior bungalow style columns were added along with modern outdoor lighting. Guests may roam the beautiful grounds or sit out on the porch. San Pedro is perfectly located in Winter Park along Lake Howell. Package includes bakery, DJ, lighting and florist vendors. In addition, San Pedro Center has 48 guest rooms and three private cabins available for you and your overnight guests (subject to availability). To make this serene setting the backdrop to your wedding reception, call Dina McKee at 407-671-6322, ext. 109 or email her at dina@sanpedrocenter.org.

Free At-Home Retreats through San Pedro 

San Pedro Spiritual Development Center is providing virtual retreats to facilitate ongoing spiritual growth throughout and beyond this pandemic. A retreat is an opportunity to draw away from the world for intentional time of prayer and reflection. Our At-Home Retreats offer similar content to our in person retreats by offering an online forum of presentation, discussion, and Q&A. To see what retreats are available virtually go to https://www.sanpedrocenter.org/at-home-retreats or https://www.sanpedrocenter.org/spiritualresources for the free at-home retreats.


Prison Ministry Volunteers Needed

“For I was imprisoned and you visited me… I tell you the truth, whatever you did for one of the least of these brothers of mine, you did for me” (Matthew 25:36, 40). St Peter Claver Prison Ministry is an Orlando Council St. Vincent DePaul Special Works mentorship program that encourages prisoners and newly released citizens on becoming self-sufficient. For more information contact: Carlos Benitez, Program Manager at (407) 614-2355 and see their website www.spcpmorlando.org.

Volunteers Needed at the JMJ Pregnancy Center

Do you have a passion for helping women and babies in need?  JMJ Pregnancy Centers are looking for volunteer ultrasound technicians. Bilingual is a plus!  Must be a Certified Ultrasound Technician proficient in abdominal ultrasound imaging and measurements. Visit jmjpc.org or email info@jmjpc.org.

St. Vincent de Paul Orlando Needs You – Great service hours!

Volunteer opportunities are available in our stores and food pantries – great for young people needing community service hours! Continues through the end of July. Check us out at svdporlando.org

We are also accepting your donations. Our new Resupply app allows you to schedule a FREE pick up of large appliances or furniture directly from your smart phone. We’ve partnered with Resupply to make donating more convenient. Or, call our Donation Hotline at 888.986.4483 or schedule via svdporlando.org. Visit us at St. Vincent de Paul Orlando Thrift Store in Apopka at 770 S. Orange Blossom Trail or St. Vincent de Paul Orlando Thrift Store in Clermont at 601 E. Highway 50. Thank you for helping us help others!

Clinics calling all dentists and dental hygienists

St. Luke Free Medical and Dental Clinic in Eustis, and Lazarus Free Dental Clinic at St. Paul’s Parish in Leesburg  are looking for volunteer dentists and dental hygienists. Join a team of dedicated people helping our neighbors in need! If interested, please contact Myrta Aviles at 352-748-4567 or contact Erin.Burley@cflcc.org

Car Donations Help Those in Need

That old clunker sitting in the garage helps St. Vincent de Paul Society of Orlando help others. Donating your vehicle is simple; the pick-up is free and we provide a tax receipt. Please contact us now: 800.322.8284 or visit svdporlando.org

Legal Immigration Assistance Available in Polk County

Catholic Charities of Central Florida is provides Legal Immigration Services in Polk County. Family-based services include consultations, preparation of immigration applications, and legal representation. The goal is to ensure that all individuals and families have access to affordable and professional legal immigration services. Appointments are available with case managers at our Lakeland office (801 Florida Ave. S., Lakeland) by appointment only. To make an appointment, email legalservices@cflcc.org or call (863) 686-7153. For more information visit http://cflcc.org/legal-immigration-services.

Considering Adoption? Catholic Charities Can Help!

For the life of your precious baby, consider adoption and Catholic Charities can help. Adoption counselors from Catholic Charities of Central Florida help birth mothers who are experiencing an unexpected pregnancy and are seeking life for their child.

We provide caring, nonjudgmental and loving support to educate birth mothers about the adoption process and to honor their requests regarding the many options that are available for open and closed adoptions.

Our adoption counselors are licensed counselors with extensive training on the adoption process. We travel throughout the nine counties of the Central Florida. For more information, call: 866-973-8638 or visit http://ccadoptfl.org/

Donations needed for Agape Mission Markets – Orlando and Lake Wales

Catholic Charities’ Agape Mission Markets in Orlando and Lake Wales need donations. Please consider donating personal care items such as: tooth brushes, toothpaste, mouthwash, floss, hand soap, body wash, shampoo/conditioner, deodorant, feminine care products, toilet paper, diapers and baby wipes. Many of these items can be found in the travel aisle of your local Target, Publix or Walmart. Agape Mission Market, 1771 N. Semoran Blvd., Orlando. Donations accepted Monday-Friday, 9 a.m.-4:30 p.m. 407-658-1818, ext. 2335 and Agape Mission Market, 644 S 9th St, Lake Wales on Tuesdays and Thursdays, 9-11 a.m. and 12-4 p.m. and  Fridays, 5-7 p.m. 863-676-1556.

Agape Mission Markets in Orlando and Lake Wales need volunteers

Catholic Charities of Central Florida is looking for hospitality volunteers to staff the front desk of their Mission Market (formerly the food pantry) in Orlando. Volunteers are needed 3-4 hours each week to greet guests, gather food bags, organize the reception area and restock the front counter.

The markets are also looking for individuals or groups (maximum of five) to sort and stock food donations.
-Volunteer shifts in Orlando are at 1771 N. Semoran Boulevard, Monday through Friday from 9 a.m. to 12 p.m. and 1 p.m. to 4:30 p.m.  For more information, call 407-658-1818 ext. 2335.
-Volunteer shifts in Lake Wales are at 644 S. 9th St., on Monday and Wednesday 10 a.m. – 12 p.m. For more information, call 863-676-1556.

Donate to St. Vincent de Paul Orlando

Help us help others! You can make a difference by donating or shopping at any St. Vincent de Paul Orlando Thrift Store. Your donations allow us to provide furniture and furnishings at no cost to families in need and your purchases provide us the resources to help keep the lights on and people in their homes. Check us out at www.svdporlando.org. To make a tax-deductible donation of large furniture or appliances that help people in need, call our Donation Hotline at 888-986-4483.


Florida Catholic – NEW ADS FOR BULLETINS

Enjoy Catholic news online any time at www.thefloridacatholic.org. The Florida Catholic offers reports, videos and commentary revolving around news and topics of concern to the Catholic faithful. Whether it is from a local parish or school, a state issue or a national or international event, turn to the Florida Catholic for news that educates, inspires and enriches the faith life of everyday Catholics.

Our site is free of charge to visitors, but if you would like to donate to this important mission, call 1-888-275-9953.  For a graphic, click here.

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