Soles for Souls

The memories of a mission trip to our sister diocese in the Dominican Republic two years ago never really left young Marlie Monserez’s heart. Before the sunrise each day, Marlie and her peers from Bishop Moore Catholic high school would …

Misa por los matrimonios – 9 de febrero de 2019

La vida ha cambiado en estos últimos 50, 60 70 e incluso en los últimos 25 años. Eli J Finkel escribió un libro recientemente titulado El matrimonio de todo o nada: Cómo funcionan los mejores matrimonios. No estoy de …

#1: Moments of Grace

Bishop Noonan reflects upon the call to prayer in light of his participation in the recent meeting with the USCCB in Baltimore and speaks about some of the challenges Catholics encounter today.

Meditation on Oración de los Fieles/Bilingual Intercessions (Peter …

Mass for Marriage – February 9, 2019

Life has changed over these past 50, 60 70 and even in the past 25 years. Eli J. Finkel wrote a book recently titled The All-or-Nothing Marriage: How the Best Marriages Work. I don’t agree with his concept of …