No estamos solos – Noviembre 2019

Que nuestro Señor Jesucristo y Dios, nuestro Padre,
que nos amó y nos dio gratuitamente un consuelo eterno y una feliz esperanza,
los reconforte y fortalezca en toda obra y en toda palabra buena.

2 Tesalonicenses 2: 16,17

Mis hermanas …

#26: Light in the Darkness of Our Lives

When we face the sudden loss of a family member or friend, grief can be overwhelming. Lisa and Regina share how the light of Christ remains with us, even during the darkest moments of our lives.

Also available

The Faith Locker Trailer

CALLING ALL VETERANS! If you have been away from the Sacraments for whatever reason, we invite you to return to the beauty and grace of God’s love. Let’s heal and support one another as Veterans and as Children of God!…

#55: Redemptive Suffering

A NEW episode of School of Humanity! Suffering is never meant to be done alone…The redemptive aspect of suffering means that suffering *has to be done with others, specifically with the Lord first and foremost. If you suffer without Jesus, …

#3: Saints Among Us

The saints are a guide to holiness. The processes of beatification and canonization recognize the signs of heroic virtue, the sacrifice of one’s life in martyrdom, and certain cases where a life is constantly offered for others, even until death. …

Santos entre nosotros – Octubre 2019

Queridos: sabemos que cuando se manifieste,
seremos semejantes a él, porque lo veremos tal cual es.

1 Juan 3:2

Mis hermanas y hermanos en Cristo:

Dios nos llama a la santidad. Nuestra respuesta a Dios es: “¿Quién, yo? Soy indigno …

#2: Christ Our Hope: In Every Season of Life

Offering thanksgiving proclaims hope in God. The theme for Respect Life Month, the month of October is, “Christ Our Hope: In Every Season of Life.” Through our Christian hope in the Resurrection, we are given the grace to persevere in …