Christmas Eve Mass – December 24, 2019

The Christmas story has been told in many ways; in books, on stage, in films, on canvas and in song. The birth of one innocent child long ago has become a source of inspiration and well-being. In the scene Mary …

Roe v. Wade – Enero 2020

“Yo he recibido todo poder en el cielo y en la tierra.
Vayan, y hagan que todos los pueblos sean mis discípulos,
bautizándolos en el nombre del Padre y del Hijo y del Espíritu Santo,
y enseñándoles a cumplir todo

#12: Love and Sacrifice with Juliana Grantz

The future of the Church looks beautiful and bright! Juliana and her mother share their faith and love for modern-day saint Gianna Beretta Molla.
Also Available on:
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Sostener – Enero 2020

Te sostuve de la mano,
te formé y te destiné
a ser la alianza del pueblo,
la luz de las naciones,
para abrir los ojos de los ciegos,
para hacer salir de la prisión a los cautivos
y de la

Príncipe de la Paz – Diciembre 2019

Le llamaron Consejero maravilloso, Dios fuerte,
Padre para siempre, Príncipe de la paz.

Isaías 9:5

Mis hermanas y hermanos en Cristo,

La paz del Señor esté con ustedes. A menudo nos maravillamos de esta palabra, paz. Se menciona durante los …

#8: Grasp

What strong and beautiful words we hear proclaimed in Scripture on the Feast of the Baptism of the Lord. Think of the imagery from the words of the Prophet Isaiah: I have grasped you by the hand; I formed you, …

Our Lady of Guadalupe waits with us in Advent

Middle school students at St. Mary Magdalen Catholic School in Altamonte Springs learned that Our Lady of Guadalupe is an appropriate feast to celebrate during the Advent season because the three times she appeared to Juan Diego, the Lady was …

Príncipe de la paz – Diciembre 2019

Le llamaron Consejero maravilloso, Dios fuerte,
Padre para siempre, Príncipe de la paz.

Isaías 9:5

Mis hermanas y hermanos en Cristo,

La paz del Señor esté con ustedes. A menudo nos maravillamos de esta palabra, paz. Se menciona durante los …

#7: Prince of Peace

We often marvel at this word, peace. It is spoken about during the holiest of days and it rests upon the birth of the Christ Child. The peace of which God speaks, His Peace, is not of this world. It …

Belenismo celebrates birth of Jesus

Every year around Advent millions of people from Spanish speaking countries create Belenismos or pesebresBelenismo is a term that comes from the word “Belen” which means Bethlehem, and pesebre which means manger. Belenismo is the art …