Nuestro Llamado Católico – Febrero 2020

Lo que nadie vio ni oyó y ni siquiera pudo pensar, aquello que Dios preparó para los que lo aman, Dios nos reveló todo esto por medio del Espíritu.

1 Corintios 2:9,10

Mis hermanas y hermanos en Cristo:

¡Qué ha

Catechesis prepares students for Sacrament of Confirmation

Twenty-four students at Sacred Heart Catholic Church are preparing for the Sacrament of Confirmation. Of those, 21  candidates are eighth-graders at Sacred Heart Catholic School.

As part of the catechesis, all involved are required to participate in gatherings that cover …

Students travel in time to life of Christ

St. Mary Magdalen Catholic School seventh-graders stepped back in time January 14 while visiting The Holy Land Experience. From bibles to performances bringing the life and times of Christ to life, the students learned and imagined what it was like …

#1: Welcome to The Faith Locker

This podcast series is dedicated to all our brothers and sisters in arms and how faith and duty form an incredible bond! The Faith Locker is hosted by Stephen Smith, Navy Veteran and Parishioner of St. Charles Borromeo Catholic Church …

Growing in Catholic identity through prayer

Every first Monday of the month, Sacred Heart Catholic School students, teachers, and parents get together as a school community for a ‘prayer at the pole.’ The prayer services prepared by religion teacher Mrs. Maria Bilodeau and Principal Mrs. Shelley …

Always doing good together

Twins – Thomas and Patrick – have most everything in common!  They are in the same class graduating from Sacred Heart Catholic School, Class of 2020. They both do very well academically. They also love participating in sports and other …

World Diabetes Day

November 14th is World Diabetes Day, honoring the birthday of Sir Frederick Grant Banting. On November 14th, students from Resurrection Catholic School in Lakeland wore blue ribbons in honor of Laney, a 6th grader from the school with the disease. …