La Gracia delante de Dios – Mayo 2020

Si a pesar de hacer el bien, ustedes soportan el sufrimiento,
esto sí es una gracia delante de Dios.
1 Pedro 2:20

Mis hermanas y hermanos en Cristo:

¿Qué es hacer el bien? Durante este tiempo de la …

#30: Mind over Matter during COVID-19

Regina and Lisa – two licensed therapists – are here to provide mindful tips for those who are seeking clarity and a sense of control during the Coronavirus Pandemic.
Available on…
Apple Podcasts:

Esperanza Pascual – Abril 2020

Porque ustedes lo aman sin haberlo visto,
y creyendo en él sin verlo todavía,
se alegran con un gozo indecible y lleno de gloria,
seguros de alcanzar el término de esa fe, que es la salvación.

1 Pedro 1:8-9


Two Schools United by Love

St. Mary Magdalen Catholic School’s (SMMCS) and their sister school, the Peace Orphanage (Orfanatorio La Paz) are united by a special bond of caring and love. Through its efforts, SMMCS students are living out the Corporal and Spiritual Works …

Chrism Mass Homily – April 8, 2020

As we begin this sacred Chrism Mass, I need to say, this is not the Mass I anticipated or planned on celebrating. As I look out at the empty pews of St. James Cathedral, it leaves me with an empty …