Compasión – Julio 2020

“Obrando así le enseñaste a tu pueblo

que el justo debe amar a todos los hombres;

y diste a tus hijos la dulce esperanza de que,

en el pecado, das lugar al arrepentimiento.

Sabiduría 12, 19

Mis hermanos y …

Portadores de Buenas Nuevas – Junio 2020

“Ustedes son una raza elegida,

sacerdocio real, nación santa,

pueblo adquirido para proclamar las alabanzas

de Aquel que los ha llamado

de las tinieblas Su luz admirable.”

1 Pedro 2, 9

Mis hermanos y hermanas en Cristo:

¿Quién lleva la …

El Pan de Vida -Junio 2020

“Porque aun siendo muchos,

formamos un solo cuerpo,

porque el pan es uno y todos participamos del mismo pan.”  

1 Corintios 10, 17

Mis hermanas y hermanos en Cristo:

¿Qué es una experiencia de desierto? Cuando pienso en un desierto, …

Blue Mass – Sept. 29, 2020

Every year we come together here at St. James Cathedral to honor and pray for our first responders on the Feast Day of St. Michael the Archangel, the patron of first responders. On the morning of this day last year, …

Rosary Reflections Podcast Trailer

Join Father Ivan Olmo, Pastor of Annunciation Catholic Church, as he takes you on a 40-part series, reflecting on the mysteries of the Holy Rosary – as we seek to grow in a deeper love for Christ, through the Immaculate …

#33: Finding Comfort During a Pandemic

Are you extremely fearful of having a serious medical condition? Lisa and Regina talk about hypochondria and share ideas in finding ways to handle stressors – especially during a pandemic. “Do not fear or be dismayed,” (Deuteronomy 1:22) for the …

#16: Forgiveness

On Wednesday, August 26, during his catechesis for the General Audience, Pope Francis said, “In the face of the pandemic and its social consequences, many risk losing hope. In this time of uncertainty and anguish, I invite everyone to welcome …

#15: Follow Jesus

With the pandemic still at large, I pray that you can better understand Jesus’s words from St. Matthew Chapter 16. Jesus begins to prepare his disciples for His coming death. Jesus wants them to know about what following Him involves, …

#14: House of Prayer

What is the line of divide among us? Is it wearing a mask vs. not? Is it having food vs. not? Or living in one section of a town vs. another? Is it the color of one’s skin? Is it …