Gift of Appreciated Securities

Contact your broker authorizing them to transfer X number of “XYZ Security” in kind to the Diocese of Orlando Fidelity Investments account:
The Diocese of Orlando DTC
Acct. # X62-097373
Federal Employer Identification # 59-1215378

For any gifts made via stock please contact us at (407) 246-7186 or and reference your name, type of stock and number of shares along with how you would like it distributed so we can identify the incoming stock and ensure it is attributed to Our Catholic Appeal or split according to your wishes.

Gift from Your IRA or DAF

Contact your account administrator to request the distribution.
Checks should be payable to “Diocese of Orlando”
EIN# 59-1215378
And sent to:
P.O. Box 1422
Orlando, FL 32802

All checks must include your name and if possible, a memo including the restriction for: Our Catholic Appeal – “Your Parish Name”.